It was October 2014 I shot the video of an immature plumage Sharp-shinned hawk eating a Eurasian collared dove.
There are a total of three vids, numbered sequentially, getting somewhat more graphic as they go.
#nature #hawk #dove #Sharp-ShinnedHawk #predator #prey #raptor #accipter #birds
#nature #hawk #dove #sharp #predator #prey #raptor #accipter #birds
A hawk just tried to eat one of our chickens. Not the big Red-tailed Hawk that has been sitting over the back yard every day lately, but a much smaller Coopers Hawk. They eat birds, but a chicken is a bit harder to subdue than a sparrow, fortunately, so I had time to run out and scare it away. Chicken are hiding now, so I’m crossing my fingers that there are no serious injuries. #accipter #predation #BackyardChickens #Chickens #CoopersHawk
#accipter #predation #backyardchickens #chickens #coopershawk
From the archive: A mature Cooper’s hawk on our water dish; two shots of an immature Sharp shinned hawk on a barrel.
#BackyardBirds #birds #nature #accipter #CoopersHawk #SharpshinnedHawk
#backyardbirds #birds #nature #accipter #coopershawk #sharpshinnedhawk