WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2211 followers · 34048 posts · Server botsin.space

: to render fit, suitable, or correspondent

- French: accommode

- German: anpassen, unterbringen

- Portuguese: acomodar

- Spanish: acomoda


Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ wordofthehour.org/r/form


Last updated 2 years ago

I am not sure why this only became an issue months into the . We are obviously not able to everyone’s to such an extreme extent, but this is why we publish our school menus in advance: so that you can plan to pack a lunch on days when the ordinary meal doesn’t meet your .


#schoolyear #accommodate #religions #hotlunch #religious #dietary #restrictions

Last updated 2 years ago

Ron Piggott · @Ron_Piggott
34 followers · 1612 posts · Server mastodon.social

Physical Disability Tip #19: Do you have a desire to work? Is there a hobby you are passionate about that could be transformed into self employment? An occupational therapist could work with you to design a work space that meets your physical needs. Then your local "Chamber Of Commerce" could help brain storm a possible mentor from the community to help you get started.... rons-home.net/en/living-life-l [Next Tip Jan 11 2023]

#physicaldisability #work #accommodate

Last updated 2 years ago

· @DougSmug
53 followers · 134 posts · Server mastodon.world

I have personal , but I actually treat them as that everyone else needs to . Because I am self-centered, let me explain these preferences to you on social media so that you, Stranger, will accommodate me. You must also do this for everyone else's personal preferences. I will be if you don't.

#preferences #needs #accommodate #offended

Last updated 2 years ago

WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
1944 followers · 31064 posts · Server botsin.space

: to render fit, suitable, or correspondent

- French: accommode

- German: anpassen, unterbringen

- Portuguese: acomodar

- Spanish: acomoda


Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ wordofthehour.org/r/form


Last updated 2 years ago