Lobby Groups Call for the Regulation of User Generated Content, Video Games, Algorithms
Lobby groups just can't help themselves. They are asking the CRTC to regulate user generated content, video games, and algorithms.
The lobbyists burning hatred towards the internet and freedom of expression w
#Censorship #ACCORD #ACTRA #BillC11 #Canada #CRTC #OnlineStreamingAct
#onlinestreamingact #crtc #canada #BillC11 #actra #accord #censorship
Supplier-centric reform of Higher Education won't increase access. Maslow’s hierarchy has food, safety and shelter at a significantly higher priority level than entry to University or TAFE.
#FutureCampus #TimWinkler #HigherEducation #Accord #Universities
#futurecampus #timwinkler #highereducation #accord #universities
01 Net: Transfert de données transatlantique : l’Europe annonce un nouveau Privacy Shield https://www.01net.com/actualites/transfert-de-donnees-transatlantique-leurope-annonce-un-nouveau-privacy-shield.html #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #donnéespersonnelles #Politique,Droits #Unioneuropéenne #États-Unis #accord
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #donneespersonnelles #Politique #UnionEuropeenne #etats #accord
#accord : agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action
- French: accord
- German: die Vereinbarung
- Italian: accordo
- Portuguese: acordo
- Spanish: acuerdo
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
Automotive Editor John Berg gets behind the wheel of a 2023 Chevrolet Malibu LT for a road trip and deems it an excellent choice for value-conscious buyers.
#GM #SUV #Top #Camry #Chevy #Sedan #Turbo #Value #Accord #Altima #Ecotec #Legacy #Malibu #Sonata
#gm #suv #top #camry #chevy #sedan #turbo #value #accord #altima #ecotec #legacy #malibu #sonata
Tech & Co #Loi sur les #influenceurs #accord trouvé entre députés et sénateurs en commission mixte paritaire https://www.bfmtv.com/tech/actualites/reseaux-sociaux/loi-sur-les-influenceurs-accord-trouve-entre-deputes-et-senateurs-en-commission-mixte-paritaire_AD-202305260045.html
Saw this while driving to my meetings. Had no idea LEO was a fellow Honda-lover like me!! But why’d he have to splurge and buy the sport!? 😂 #Leo #DiCaprio #hondalover #accord #film #tv #kingoftheworld #writing #writers #writingcommunity
#leo #dicaprio #hondalover #accord #film #TV #kingoftheworld #writing #writers #writingcommunity
🇬🇧 Un accord historique met fin aux violences en Irlande du Nord ✍️https://urlr.me/wLgVf
#RoyaumeUni #IrlandeDuNord #anniversaire #Accord #Historie #article #GoodFridayAgreement #GoodFriday2023 #GoodFriday
#royaumeuni #irlandedunord #anniversaire #accord #historie #article #goodfridayagreement #goodfriday2023 #goodfriday
🇾🇪 Yémen: accord à Genève sur un échange de prisonniers entre les parties en conflit 📰 http://urlr.me/q6GP5
#RevuedePresse #Yemen #accord #rebelles #houtis #gouvernement
#revuedepresse #yemen #accord #rebelles #Houtis #gouvernement
UE et UK révisent le protocole sur l'Irlande du Nord maintenant celle-ci ds le marché unique européen, tout en prévoyant des contrôles pour les marchandises en provenance du Royaume-Uni. #IrlandeDuNord #Brexit #RoyaumeUni #UE #accord
#irlandedunord #Brexit #royaumeuni #ue #accord
Saurez-vous dire quel accord ne correspond pas au son entendu? #accord #trouvezlerreur #findthemistake #eartraining
#TrouvezLerreur #findthemistake #eartraining #accord
#accord : agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action
- French: accord
- German: die Vereinbarung
- Italian: accordo
- Portuguese: acordo
- Spanish: acuerdo
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
Couple franco-allemand : Olaf Scholz et Emmanuel Macron se retrouvent à Paris ce dimanche pour un 60e anniversaire symbolique et une nouvelle dynamique #FranceAllemagne #Accord #TraitéDelElysée
#franceallemagne #accord #traitedelelysee
#sdtps Speaking She
Scene: 31.
#Marry the #married the #merry said the #confiscated #herring.
How can that be it may be asked.
And well asked it would be.
#Waite a #minute to a fortnight let me #answer to this #question.
#Contrary to #convention loose #language is all tied up in itself.
#agreement #accord #protocol #pact #entente #understanding #arrangement #contract #bargain #deal
#sdtps #marry #married #merry #confiscated #herring #waite #minute #answer #question #contrary #convention #language #agreement #accord #protocol #pact #entente #understanding #arrangement #contract #bargain #deal #storytelling #peace #worldpeace #nature #rvbd38
RT @canalplusgroupe@twitter.com
Le Groupe CANAL+ et Orange sont heureux d’annoncer qu’ils ont conclu un protocole d’accord en vue de l’acquisition d’#OCS et Orange Studio par le Groupe CANAL+.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/canalplusgroupe/status/1612349371546206210