#ACE2 in chronic disease and #COVID19 ! Understanding the regulation and modification of ACE2 may help to develop prevention or treatment strategies for ACE2-mediated diseases.
@croissant If only mutation weren't a thing.
If only.
My work simulating the folding of proteins (e.g. the #ace2 receptor binding surface used for initial infection) from #COVID might never end.
Computational physical simulation of rather absurd chemistry? Absurd because the "folding" process—taking a printed strip of chemicals and forming a functional 3D shape—takes milliseconds to /microseconds/ in reality. Up to three days to accurately simulate.
Better than getting infected, even once.
#IDMastodon #NeuroCovid #SARSCoV2 is associated with broad tissue tropism, a characteristic often determined by the availability of entry receptors on host cells. TMEM106B, a lysosomal transmembrane protein, can serve as an alternative receptor for SARS-CoV-2 entry into #ACE2-negative cells. As a type II transmembrane protein, comprising 274 amino acid residues,
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #SarsCoV2 #ace2
Now let's not spread hate anywhere, shall we? In fact, let's get laws to protect some people from criticism.
☣️ #racism #genocide #ACE2 #RFK #antiwhite #spike #ADOS #Africa
#racism #genocide #ace2 #rfk #antiwhite #spike #ados #africa
A #placental model of #SARSCoV2 infection reveals ACE2-dependent susceptibility and differentiation impairment in #syncytiotrophoblasts | Nature Cell Biology https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-023-01182-0 “We identified that syncytiotrophoblasts could be infected through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (#ACE2). Using a co-culture model of vertical transmission, we confirmed the ability of the virus to infect syncytiotrophoblasts through a previous endometrial cell infection.”
#placental #SarsCoV2 #syncytiotrophoblasts #ace2
#IDMastodon Emerging roles of #SARSCoV2 Spike- #ACE2 in #immuneevasion & pathogenesis .Possible consequences of CTL suppression: reactivation of latent infections in #LongCovid @cellpress
📌 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1471490623000571
📌 https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S1471490623000571?token=7F09DF802420C1D264FC4797542449B75DC5BB3FFAF967DB83905E909FC1CF623C4B525A6C259D74627F3EEFE9ADDC18&originRegion=eu-west-1&originCreation=20230411071523
#IDMastodon #SarsCoV2 #ace2 #ImmuneEvasion #LongCovid
New review article in The Lancet Microbe>
Advances in developing #ACE2 derivatives against #SARSCoV2
"Die #PostCovid-Betroffenen trugen 98 zusätzliche Methylanlagerungen an ihrer #DNA."
"Zu den betroffenen Erbgutregionen gehören beispielsweise Gene, die für Signalwege des Riechens und Schmeckens wichtig sind, aber auch solche, die Produktion und Form des Angiotensin-2-Rezeptors (#ACE2) kontrollieren"
"Auch einige Genregionen, die Rezeptoren für #Autoantikörper kodieren, waren epigenetisch verändert."
#LongCovid #Epigenetik #science #corona #MECFS
#mecfs #corona #science #epigenetik #LongCovid #autoantikorper #ace2 #dna #PostCovid
🚨 Fragen an Prof. Dr. #Lauterbach 🚨 und #Jurist #Alkoholetschek 🚨
🚨 Neue #Corona-#Variante EG.1 nimmt in #Österreich rasant zu 🚨
[Ihre #Gefahr gegenüber anderen Varianten besteht darin, dass sie die #Mutation 486 im #Spike-#Protein besitzt. Diese Mutation ermöglicht ihr eine bessere #Bindung am #ACE2-#Rezeptor und damit das #Eindringen in die #Wirtszelle.]
@LTO WARUM keine FORSCHUNG ❓ ⁉️ https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/109787336288711856 ❓ ❗ #Weedmob #fff
#fff #WeedMob #Wirtszelle #Eindringen #Rezeptor #ace2 #bindung #protein #spike #mutation #gefahr #osterreich #Variante #corona #Alkoholetschek #jurist #lauterbach #viren #gegen #wirksam #cannabis
Kurkuma (Curcumin) wirkt gegen COVID-19 – Die nächste Hiobsbotschaft für Big Pharma https://sciencefiles.org/2023/03/06/kurkuma-curcumin-wirkt-gegen-covid-19-die-naechste-hiobsbotschaft-fuer-big-pharma/ #alternativeMedizin #ReihePhytotherapie #Phytotherapeutika #Corona-Virus #Heilpflanzen #Heilkräuter #Gesundheit #Hausmittel #SARS-COV-2 #Curcumin #COVID-19 #Gelbwurz #Kurkuma #Peperin #ACE2
#ace2 #peperin #kurkuma #gelbwurz #covid #curcumin #sars #hausmittel #gesundheit #heilkrauter #heilpflanzen #corona #phytotherapeutika #reihephytotherapie #alternativemedizin
RT @IMBA_Vienna
#Review article in @cellcellpress
The @penningerlab with @GOuditResearch and IMBA PhD student Max Kellner review the role of #ACE2 (the entry receptor for multiple #coronaviruses) in the #COVID19 pandemic.
@viennabiocenter @TrainingVbc @ubclifesciences @oeaw #Coronavirus
1/2 https://twitter.com/CellCellPress/status/1620878049553297408
#review #ace2 #coronaviruses #COVID19 #Coronavirus
“Preliminary data suggests that the viral #SpikeProtein, alone with the matrix and envelope proteins, are carried by #macrophages in the circulation (Nuovo GJ and Tili, E, unpublished observations). This could explain the many studies which have shown that the viral spike protein per se, or more accurately the S1 subunit of the spike protein, which has the #RBD sequence for #ACE2 binding, can demonstrate #cytotoxic effects”
#spikeprotein #macrophages #rbd #ace2 #cytotoxic
“The source of the endogenous #SpikeProtein in severe #COVID19 would likely be the extremely high copy viral load seen in the lungs of these patients. The virus in the lung induces a #microangiopathy that causes viral degeneration and is a logical source of viral spike proteins entering the circulation and docking in organs with a high perivascular based #ACE2 population, such as the #heart
#spikeprotein #COVID19 #microangiopathy #ace2 #heart
“Critically, diseases such as #obesity and type II #diabetes markedly increase #ACE2 expression in these cells in the heart, as noted in this study, which would predispose these people to increased cardiac damage after infection with #SARSCoV2
#obesity #diabetes #ace2 #SarsCoV2
“the heart has a large endogenous population of #macrophages and pericytes that are in direct contact with the #endothelial cells of microvessels which may offer a defense mechanism to rapidly deal with systemically borne pathogens. A key finding of this study, documented by other investigators, is that these cells, as well as endothelial cells, strongly express #ACE2 in the #cardiac tissues”
#macrophages #endothelial #ace2 #cardiac
“This is consistent with a recent study that showed that the #SpikeProtein per se can be #cytotoxic to the heart and indicated that the viral protein can enter pericytes via the CD147 receptor and bypass #ACE2”
#spikeprotein #cytotoxic #ace2
Versatile use of #bat #ACE2 for cellular entry by #MERS-CoV-like viruses https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/fulltext/S1931-3128(22)00614-X?rss=yes
#Cell-autonomous requirement for #ACE2 across #organs in lethal mouse #SARS-CoV-2 infection https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001989
[Correspondence] #ACE2 binding and #antibody #evasion in enhanced #transmissibility of #XBB15 https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(23)00010-5/fulltext?rss=yes
#ace2 #antibody #evasion #transmissibility #xbb15