AktivistA n.e.V. · @aktivista
44 followers · 38 posts · Server lsbt.me

Für unsere zum , die im September in stattfindet, könnt ihr euch noch anmelden! Mit dabei sind unter anderem Menschen von @inspektren

#konferenz #acespec #stuttgart

Last updated 1 year ago

Bwillett Comics · @bwillettcomics
38 followers · 444 posts · Server comics.town

Happy Friday everyone! It's time for a new episode of Villains Dress Better as Rasputia has to handle her meddling invaders. Available on Tapas and GlobalComix
Tapas: tapas.io/episode/2826086
GlobalComix: globalcomix.com/c/villains-dre

Or read ahead by supporting me on Kofi: ko-fi.com/album/Villains-Dress

#webcomic #fantasy #comedy #acecharacter #acespec

Last updated 2 years ago

AktivistA n.e.V. · @aktivista
25 followers · 15 posts · Server lsbt.me

Person aus dem gesucht für in des Thema sexuelle Unlust generell, Asexualität soll ein Aspekt sein. Anonymität möglich, Interview soll bis 2. 5. geführt werden. Kontakt: s.boehm.fm@ndr.de

#acespec #Interview #podcast #flexikon #NDR

Last updated 2 years ago

AktivistA n.e.V. · @aktivista
24 followers · 14 posts · Server lsbt.me

Unterstützung gesucht von jungen Erwachsenen aus dem zwecks Sensitivity Reading für ein Drehbuch (Coming-of-Age-Serie mit junger, asexueller Protagonistin). Kontaktperson ist unser Vereinsmitglied Lennart, aspecdrehbuch@gmail.com


Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
18 followers · 213 posts · Server anti-social.online
James · @j34329z
18 followers · 196 posts · Server anti-social.online
James · @j34329z
19 followers · 187 posts · Server anti-social.online

Happy to all my fellow aces (and how apt that it's right next to a Christian festival about a man rebirthing himself, by himself, and who was originally conceived of a woman who'd never had sex).

Let's show the world how diverse we really are.
Show off those flags and microlabels!

(the 'A' doesn't stand for ally) (linking to that because a noticeable number of ace people are also some flavour of neurodiverse and/or trans, non-binary or genderqueer)

#internationalasexualityday #asexuality #easter #acespec #queer #LGBT #LGBTQ #lgbtqi #lgbtqia #gay #trans #transdayofvisability #actuallyautistic #aegosexual #homoromantic

Last updated 2 years ago

Aspec*German · @aspec_german
27 followers · 13 posts · Server lsbt.me

Liebe aspec-Menschen, in der Online-Umfrage „Unheilbar queer" geht es auch um unsere Erfahrungen.
Bitte macht bei genug Spoons mit, damit auch die Daten von ace & aro Menschen mit erhoben & berücksichtigt werden!
Und wenn genug Menschen aus dem asexuellen und aromantischen Spektrum, teilnehmen, dann ist es den Forschenden unter Umständen möglich eine Gruppenspezifische Auswertung zu machen!

Also an alle, die noch nicht an der Umfrage teilgenommen noch mal die Bitte und Aufforderung das nachzuholen, selbst wenn ihr vielleicht denkt ihr habt noch nie ein "Konversionsangebot" bekommen. Auch solche Informationen sind wichtig für Studien.

Die Befragung richtet sich an Menschen, die sich als lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell, trans*, inter*, queer, nicht-binär, aromantisch, asexuell oder als Teil dieser Community verstehen, die in Deutschland leben oder sich regelmäßig hier aufhalten und mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind.

Mehr Informationen zum Forschungsprojekt auch auf der Homepage: www.befragung-unheilbar-queer.de/

@unheilbar.queer.befragung @mosaikdeutschland

#aktivista #asexualitat #asexuellesspektrum #demisexuell #grauasexuell #aceflux #aspec #acespec #asexual #asexuality #demisexual #greysexual #graysexual #grayace #greyace #acecommunity #aspeccommunity #acevisibility

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
19 followers · 110 posts · Server anti-social.online

Asexuality is valid.
You are loved. ☺️

Found on Reddit, originally from Tumblr

(especially the A)

#LGBT #LGBTQ #lgbtqi #lgbtqia #queer #gay #asexual #ace #acespec #demisexual #aromantic #asexuality #sexuality

Last updated 2 years ago

AktivistA n.e.V. · @aktivista
18 followers · 9 posts · Server lsbt.me

Teilnehmende aus dem für Studie gesucht! Sprache Englisch, näheres hier: aktivista.net/2023/03/15/studi


Last updated 2 years ago

Matthew T · @MatthewToad42
285 followers · 3027 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Having said that, I suck at making and maintaining friendships too. Autism and being a man both make it difficult, the latter because of toxic cultural expectations.

And a QPR might be a solution in the long run when I can no longer rely on family always being there; I'm on both the aromantic and asexual spectrums, and partially sex repulsed. Or maybe I can find somebody who's prepared to accept that the canonical "sex" act probably isn't going to happen, but still see it as a relationship.

At least in a committed relationship you know where you are at with people. Well, if it works anyway. They always said relationships fail because of poor communication. Doubly true if you're autistic, but I know at least one autistic couple who make it work.

Getting on well enough with my parents and sibling that I can live with them is a big advantage in some ways; I'll probably have to move out soon but hope to be nearby.

I've somewhat successfully lived on my own. I believe many of the issues that made it difficult are resolved. On the other hand, I'm not ready to accept that Covid is over, which limits my options for socialising, even when I'm far away from my vulnerable parents.

But there was always questions over how much social contact I need, versus how much I think I *should* have.

Bottom line, there's more than one way to live.

#actuallyautistic #anxiety #acespec #arospec

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
15 followers · 286 posts · Server anti-social.online

I have recently determined that I am, in fact, and with a strong chance of being .

𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮.

#aegosexual #demiromantic #flux #ace #acespec #asexuality #queer #LGBT #theainlgbtqia

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
15 followers · 278 posts · Server anti-social.online

Or, , a low drive may be (but doesn't have to be) part of some people's and should not be pathologised, is 100% valid, and can be nothing to do with a health complaint or a disorder. That's an additional possibility, isn't it?
Isn't it?


This article clearly says it's talking about when low sex drive causes distress for people who experience it, suggesting otherwise it's fine if you experience no distress (which it is, of course), but then ends with a string of health problems that can be causes of low libido. This ultimately sends the message, "there still has to be something wrong with you".

While it's good that kisspeptin (who-tf named that, btw?) seems to work so well and may well help those who need it, IMO all of is more a problem with society's stance towards sex and the pedestal it's placed on, and treating the problem at the individual's level is missing the point. If we weren't conditioned to think sex is inextricably tangled up with essentially unrelated ideas of virility, masculinity, normality, attraction, love, interest in someone, romance, validity and validation, then maybe those people wouldn't feel distress about their low libido in the first place.

Also let's not forget that thinking of low libido as exclusively a health defect is not too far a cry from gay men's experiences in the early 20th century. Let's hope the treatments don't get so draconian, eh?

#bbc #sex #asexuality #sexuality #queer #LGBT #ace #acespec

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#aspec #allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of ASpec Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit: a chart of ASpec Experiences!
...to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

Original post can be found here:

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

James · @j34329z
10 followers · 243 posts · Server anti-social.online

Found on Reddit.
A chart to help the and (of varying flavours) understand each other a little better.
What I want to know is where fit in (i.e. people who like the *idea* of sex and relationships but who encounter a brick wall in their heads if ever it gets there)...

#allosexuals #asexuals #cupiosexuals #acespec #aroace #asexuality #asexual #infographic #sexuality #LGBT #queer

Last updated 2 years ago

AktivistA n.e.V. · @aktivista
7 followers · 4 posts · Server lsbt.me

Unsere für Menschen aus dem geht in die neunte Runde! Anmeldungen ab sofort möglich.

#konferenz #acespec

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Kassandra Ford · @kassthefish
494 followers · 5 posts · Server ecoevo.social
James · @j34329z
7 followers · 73 posts · Server anti-social.online

#asexual #ace #acespec

Last updated 2 years ago