1985 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor is one of my favorite versions of that car. I owned one once a long time ago, and drove one for a Taxi company (I was the only person that wanted to drive it if I remember right).
So when I see (even if it is a 1983) a Die Cast of that car I just have to buy it. I think the 83 model is as close as I'm going to find. This one is from Ace Ventura made by Greenlight
#DieCast #AceVentura #CrownVic #CVPI #Greenlight #CrownVictoria #LTD #Classic
#classic #ltd #crownvictoria #greenlight #cvpi #crownvic #aceventura #diecast
American cartoon art dump
#americandad #aceventura #fairlyoddparents #Yosemitesam #looneytunes #geofffischer
#americandad #aceventura #fairlyoddparents #yosemitesam #looneytunes #geofffischer
This had me in stitches! #BlackPanther #AceVentura #Marvel #MCU #JimCarry
#blackpanther #aceventura #marvel #mcu #jimcarry
RT @AceVenturaMusic
Goa vibes 🌴 various moments from a Hilltop weekend. #goa #vibes #india #aceventura #astrix #alphaportal #tristan #volcanoonmars #psytrance #festival
#goa #vibes #india #aceventura #astrix #alphaportal #tristan #volcanoonmars #psytrance #festival
#AceVentura 's #DeathMetal Cameo Is Actually A Sweet Story
Carrey impressed this group with his attention.
#aceventura #deathmetal #cannibalcorpse #jimcarrey #themetaldogarticlelist #screenrant
📀 L’éditeur #ESC_Editions annonce pour 2023, la comédie culte #AceVentura avec #JimCarrey en Blu-ray. Aucune indication sur l’édition à venir (VHS Box ? Steelbook ?).
En espérant le doublage 🇫🇷 avec la voix d’#EmmanuelCurtil, et non 🇨🇦, contrairement au Blu-ray 🇺🇸. 📀
#esc_editions #aceventura #jimcarrey #emmanuelcurtil
#AceVentura : je trouve ça vraiment pas bon. Pourtant j'aime l'humour con habituellement mais je trouve que le phrasé de Jim Carrey casse le rythme pour, au final, délivrer des punchlines qui tombent à l'eau. Je vous parle même pas de la lourdeur des blagues sur le personnage
haha...esse aqui gostei bastante de fazer rs
#movies #aceventura #jimcarrey #voice #dublagem
#Dublagem #voice #jimcarrey #aceventura #movies
#7FilmsToKnowMe ... actually #14FilmsToKnowMe
#AsterixtheGaul #AstérixleGaulois 1967
#OddsandEvens #Pariedispari #Ésmegintdühbejövünk 1978
#VforVendetta 2005
#MontyPythonAndTheHolyGrail 1975
#BicentennialMan 1999
#TreasurePlanet 2002
#TheAddamsFamily 1991 1993
#TheMatrix 1999
#MeninBlack 1997
#BacktotheFuture 1985 1989 1990
#AIArtificialIntelligence 2001
#CatCity #Macskafogó 1986
#AceVentura 1995
#LiloandStitch 2002
100+ destilled faw, 50+ must have. And 14? 7!? in here? this is nonsense ...
#7filmstoknowme #14filmstoknowme #asterixthegaul #asterixlegaulois #oddsandevens #pariedispari #esmegintduhbejovunk #vforvendetta #montypythonandtheholygrail #bicentennialman #treasureplanet #theaddamsfamily #thematrix #meninblack #backtothefuture #aiartificialintelligence #catcity #macskafogo #aceventura #liloandstitch
Isto está tão, mas tão bom. 😆
#Cyberpunk2077 #AceVentura
@Curator Not an illustration but I’d like to take part in some of these if I may with my photographic miniature art. Here’s a Rhino related piece I created, not sure if it qualifies cause technically it was a Robo Rhino
#SillyCuratorPrompts #aceventura
#sillycuratorprompts #aceventura
@curator Not an illustration but I’d like to take part in some of these if I may with my photographic miniature art. Here’s a Rhino related piece I created, not sure if it qualifies cause technically it was a Robo Rhino
#SillyCuratorPrompts #aceventura
#sillycuratorprompts #aceventura
This is the greatest crossover I've ever seen.
#pleasemakethishappen #crossovers #thewitcher3 #aceventura
📽️ : Ace Ventura in The Witcher 3
🔗 : https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/z9na7x/ace_ventura_in_the_witcher_3/ #Movies #JimCarrey #AceVentura #Gaming #TheWitcher #CDProjektRED
#cdprojektred #thewitcher #gaming #aceventura #jimcarrey #movies
I laughed my ass off 😂
#aceventura as main character in #cyberpunk2077
Thanks to @Some_Emo_Chick for this distraction 😜
Siti belli e basta: quarta parte
Eccoci finalmente arrivati alla quarta parte di siti belli e basta! La nostra rubrica semestrale dedicata... ai siti belli e basta!
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2022/07/29/siti-belli-e-basta-quarta-parte/
#Curiosità #aceventura #cazzeggio #gatti #romani #sitibelliebasta
#curiosità #aceventura #cazzeggio #gatti #romani #sitibelliebasta