Susie Pinner is the aptly named creator of the Pinners Award Club - a group that encourages and rewards achievement with badges. This stemmed from her experience of fighting cancer and the struggles of recovery. She's collaborating with Mission Remission to create a similar club specifically for other people recovering from cancer.
#GoodNews #Health #Cancer #SelfEsteme #SelfWorth #Achievement #Badges
#goodnews #health #cancer #selfesteme #selfworth #achievement #badges
🏆✨ Congratulations to J.-Prof. Dr. Annabelle Hofer! ✨🏆
She's been awarded the Best Reviewer Award 2023 by the Careers Division of the Academy of Management. 💪🥰 A well-deserved recognition for her outstanding contributions. 👏
Read more about J.-Prof. Dr. Annabelle Hofer here: 👉
#academyofmanagement #bestreviewer #achievement #wisocgn
India's space program
Comes with glorious achievements
Images from the Moon
#india #space #achievement #moon #haiku #poetry
#india #space #achievement #moon #haiku #poetry
Erster Erfolg der neuen Arbeitswoche:
Gefüllte Paprika von Rita bringt’s ohne mich anzupatzen essen. Es kann nur eine gute Woche werden!
Discussing racial and ethnic bias at home and with peers helps minority youth achieve in school despite discrimination. #NICHDImpact #PeerSupport #Race #School #Education #Discrimination #Achievement
#NICHDimpact #peersupport #race #school #Education #discrimination #achievement
Irgendwie bin ich stolz darauf, dass ich mir diesen Sommer selbst #Kraulen beigebracht habe. #YouTubeUniversity
Außerdem dadurch und dank „Restube“ (Selbstaufblasende Schwimmboje) die Angst vor tiefem Wasser überwunden.
Wenn dann auch noch das Meer klar ist und ich bis zum einige Meter tiefen Boden runterschauen kann, dann fühlt sich das fast schon an wie fliegen 🤩
#kraulen #youtubeuniversity #achievement
Today's card is 7 of Wands.
Every challenge encountered is an achievement waiting to happen.
#challenge #achievement #YouCanDoIt
#challenge #achievement #youcandoit #TarotReading #everydaywitchtarot #Laurajk32
"The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly." — Friedrich Nietzsche — — — #FriedrichNietzsche #quote #quotes #achievement #success #envy #jealousy #soar #belittle
#friedrichnietzsche #quote #quotes #achievement #success #envy #jealousy #soar #belittle
Wow, what an incredible achievement for @satyanadella to join the exclusive club of corporate titans! #Microsoft #AI #StockRise #1Billion #TimCook #Apple #Windfall #EquityGrants #Salary #Bonuses #Dividends #Achievement #ExclusiveClub #Titans
#microsoft #ai #stockrise #1billion #timcook #apple #windfall #equitygrants #salary #bonuses #dividends #achievement #exclusiveclub #titans
#Web development #achievement #unlocked
Documentation website for reaches the pinnacle of web performance.
"It is better to be a has-been than a never-was." — Northcote Parkinson — — — #NorthcoteParkinson #quote #quotes #past #present #remembered #achievement #forgotten #hasbeen #neverwas #success #failure
#northcoteparkinson #quote #quotes #past #present #remembered #achievement #forgotten #hasbeen #neverwas #success #failure
"There is a price tag for anything you want to achieve in life. Every single thing you want is an output that requires certain inputs to buy or earn. There's a 'list price' (actual, direct price to pay for the thing you want) and a 'real price' (List Price, plus the hidden, indirect price in the form of the tradeoffs and opportunity cost of the pursuit)." — Sahil Bloom — — — #SahilBloom #quote #quotes # #listprice #tradeoffs #realprice #achievement #accomplish
#sahilbloom #quote #quotes #listprice #tradeoffs #realprice #achievement #accomplish
A quotation from Virgil:
Art followed hard on art. Toil triumphed over every obstacle, unrelenting Toil, and Want that pinches when life is hard.
[Tum variae venere artes. Labor omnia vicit
inprobus et duris urgens in rebus egestas.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #achievement #hardwork #labor #necessity #need #poverty #progress #toil #want
#quote #quotes #quotation #achievement #hardwork #labor #necessity #need #poverty #progress #toil #want
Society mistakenly preaches that money, wealth, political power, material influence, and press coverage are the ultimate measures of success. Men and women that buy in to this consumptive rat race oftentimes forgo their moral turpitude to best their rivals. Within this cult of consumption, there is no such thing as sufficiency and consideration of others often falls to the wayside.
#faith #freedom #selfhelp #selfhelptips #selfimprovement #fullpotential #achievement
#faith #freedom #selfhelp #selfhelptips #selfimprovement #fullpotential #achievement
I showed Bing Chat one of my Java programs for review and it said "Good job!". 😊
A small program, and a stupid bot, but still "achievement unlocked".
💫🌟 "Those who truly want, can. But to have the power and the will, one must first know and, above all, dare." - Hernan Huarache Mamani 💪🔥
Determination and willingness can take us far if we have the knowledge and courage to pursue our goals. 🌱💡
We know what we want, but we must also be ready to take risks and put ourselves out there to achieve our dreams. 💫🌟
#Determination #Willpower #Knowledge #Courage #Achievement #Dare
#determination #willpower #knowledge #courage #achievement #dare
A teen at school just went galavantin'
To a science fair with her brain bent to Solvin'
She finished with flair
Winning her a share
Of fifty thousand cash for her rulin'
#teenagers #suicideprevention #sciencefair #achievement #limerick #poetry
#teenagers #suicideprevention #sciencefair #achievement #limerick #poetry
"You have deep within you an urge to completion, or what is often referred to as a 'compulsion to closure.' This means that you actually feel happier and more powerful when you start and complete a task of any kind." — Brian Tracy — — — #BrianTracy #quote #quotes #task #completion #achievement
#briantracy #quote #quotes #task #completion #achievement
"If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." — James Cameron — — — #JamesCameron #quote #quotes #goal #excessive #achievement #success #failure
#jamescameron #quote #quotes #goal #excessive #achievement #success #failure