Day 25 "Unplayed RPG you own"
Hoo boy. I got a whole bunch of them - even if I don't include PDFs.
I'd like to try running #Mothership, #Mouseritter, and #FrontierScum. I actually had the PDFs printed, that's how much I'm impressed!
I also own several beautiful RPG books by @modiphius, like #Fallout RPG and core books for #AchtungCthulhu. I'm still not sure about the 2d20 system - it seems like the basic mechanic is needlessly complicated? - but this makes me more eager to try them one day.
#mothership #mouseritter #frontierscum #fallout #achtungcthulhu
#RPGaDay2023 Q23:
COOLEST looking RPG product / book
Torn between the Blade Runner RPG from Free League and the 2d20 version of Achtung! Cthulhu from Modiphius
#FreeLeague #Modiphius #BladeRunner #BladeRunnerRPG #AchtungCthulhu
#rpgaday2023 #FreeLeague #Modiphius #bladerunner #BladeRunnerRPG #achtungcthulhu
Lagging behind a bit as I've been busy this weekend.
#RPGaDay2023 Q18:
Favourite game SYSTEM
Has to be the #Modiphius #2d20 system. It's such a fun/slick system, and I love the minor tweaks they do with each game to match the feel of whatever world they're working in.
Favourite game using it is hands down #Conan2d20 with honourable mentions to #AchtungCthulhu #FalloutRPG and #JohnCarterOfMars
#rpgaday2023 #Modiphius #2D20 #Conan2d20 #achtungcthulhu #FalloutRPG #johncarterofmars
I’m very happy with how my #AchtungCthulhu #2d20 #TTRPG PC generator is evolving. The first complete version now works in the terminal. I’ll test it some more and see about making it easier to use (and nicer). And perhaps I’ll make a Discord bot with it, while also adding 2d20 dice rolling while I’m at it.
This is completely random character generation, but you can specify Archetypes, etc. It includes rules for character creation from The Serpent and the Sands and Vive la Résistance!
As I continue work on my N/PC generator for #AchtungCthulhu #ttrpg, I realize that I’m now at around a third of the way through the possible 19,437 permutations of Archetype/Background/Characteristic (ABC), which are somewhat like character classes in other games. Of course there are infinite permutations if you consider all the variables, but in terms of ABC, 19k permutations is a lot!
@Patrick Yep! #Traveller, #Runequest, #DungeonCrawlClassics, and #AchtungCthulhu dice in there, but of course I have a ton more in boxes and bags! Must have dice! :)
#traveller #runequest #dungeoncrawlclassics #achtungcthulhu
Always love to talk about:
#Hyperborea and other #WeirdFantasy like #Conan2d20
Post Apocalyptic gaming a la #GammaWorld #MutantYearZero #MutantFuture even #MCC and currently itching for #Twilight2000
Neato OSR/NSR stuff like #Cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd
#Westerns in film, tv and gaming like #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest and others
Also #AchtungCthulhu and #2300AD old and new
Gaming podcasts.
#Conan2d20 #hyperborea #weirdfantasy #gammaworld #MutantYearZero #mutantfuture #MCC #cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd #westerns #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest #Twilight2000 #achtungcthulhu #2300AD
@TheDigitalDM I’ve never used range bands before but I’ll use them in my next campaign of #AchtungCthulhu. I think I’ll like the freedom it offers, but it’ll be a new experience setting them up and using them.
My PC generator for #AchtungCthulhu #ttrpg is going well. I’m done with the 19 Archetypes in the Player’s Guide, The Serpent and the Sands, and Vive La Résistance! Next are the Backgrounds and Characteristics.
This is a character sheet I made for #AchtungCthulhu #2d20 #ttrpg. The official one is on 3 sides and didn’t include carrying capacity, spell caster type and attribute, a place for XP, and I didn’t like the way it handled equipment.
This one is two-sided, printer friendly and has all the stuff I need. Comments welcome.
I made this players’ aid for Momentum Spends in #achtungcthulhu #2d20. It might be useful to others as well.
@darkade You should definitely try #AchtungCthulhu , it’s my favourite of the lot.
Last night I read the first 30 pages or so of the #AchtungCthulhu Player’s Guide. It seems like the clearest expression I’ve read so far of the #2d20 #ttrpg engine, perhaps because it’s focused on players or perhaps because I’ve now read three or four iterations of the rules? I’m continuing on, intrigued…
Watch the all new #actualplay series of Achtung! Cthulhu- Serpent and the Sands featuring @skyhammerpress!
Episodes1-3 are now available to watch here-
#actualplay #cthulhu #achtungcthulhu
I made a character sheet for the excellent #AchtungCthulhu RPG from @modiphius, you can find it here :!C_character_sheet.pdf
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 1 - Achtung!Cthulhu. I've been playing a lot of Call of Cthulhu recently and this is a very different feel, more like Wolfenstein, Hellboy and the first Captain America film. Looks like a fun game, not a massive fan of custom dice but still worth a look. #achtungcthulhu #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #achtungcthulhu #ttrpg
¿Buscas darle algo más de color a los nazis de tus partidas? Pues El ocultismo nazi de Kenneth Hite tiene un montón de ideas para que tu grupo de investigadores se enfrente a enemigos más interesantes:
#ambientacion #rol #achtungcthulhu #hellboy
I love #DeltaGreen as a #ttrpg setting and framework, but (and I apologize to all I offend), I think the BRP system, whether in #CallOfCthulhu or its Delta Green variant, is inexcusably outdated and lifeless and only considered a classic because it’s sometimes simple enough that you can basically ignore it during play.
So… I’m considering running an upcoming short campaign with #2d20 to test that system, and I’m trying to figure out how to tweak #AchtungCthulhu to be less heroic and more grim.
#deltagreen #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #2D20 #achtungcthulhu
All that being said, these just arrived at work, so I support the tradition.
#2D20 #achtungcthulhu #nidavellir