Mexican musician finds refuge in #saxophone after #acidattack | AP News
>#MEXICO CITY (AP) — María Elena Ríos has conflicting feelings about her saxophone: She once blamed the instrument for bringing her to the brink of death — but it also has been her salvation. Ríos, 29, thought her career as a musician and her devotion to her saxophone were what led her former boyfriend to hire the men who splashed #acid onto her face and body, disfiguring her.
#saxophone #acidattack #mexico #acid #malena #femicide
Among states, West Bengal recorded the most number of acid attacks, with 34 such cases being reported in 2021. Uttar Pradesh reported the second most number of cases at 22. Among Union Territories, Delhi (9), and Jammu and Kashmir (3) are the only two that reported acid attack cases in 2021.
#mastindia #acidattack #crimedata
However, the wait for justice for the victims seem to be getting longer as the court pendency of acid attack cases went up from 89.5% in 2017 to 97.1% in 2021. Meanwhile, the conviction rate in such cases also stands at just 30.8.
#mastindia #acidattack #crimedata
The acid attack on a 17-year-old schoolgirl in Delhi recently has caused widespread outrage across the country. Data shows that hundreds of acid attacks are reported every year in India.
In the five-year period between 2017 and 2021, as much as 1070 cases of acid attacks against 1115 victims were recorded in the country. Moreover, a further 317 acid attack attempts against 332 victims were also recorded during this same period.
#mastindia #acidattack #crimedata
The acid attack on a 17-year-old schoolgirl in Delhi recently has caused widespread outrage across the country. Data shows that hundreds of acid attacks are reported every year in India.
17-year-old girl in critical condition after acid attack in Delhi | The Independent
#DYFI தலைவர் மீது ஆசிட் வீசி கொல்ல முயற்சிக்கு
கடும் கண்டனம்...
கேரளம், எர்ணாகுளம் மாவட்டம் , கோதமங்கலம் DYFI ஏரியா தலைவரும், எர்ணாகுளம் மாவட்டக்குழு உறுப்பினருமான தோழர் ஜியோ பியஸ் மீது குண்டர்கள் ஆசிட் வீசி கொல்ல முயற்சி நடைபெற்றிருப்பதற்கு கடும் கண்டனம்... #AcidAttack