Trish · @NKVSSP
5 followers · 190 posts · Server
C. · @cazabon
151 followers · 3456 posts · Server


I suppose that's fair. We blamed the in the 70s and 80s for acid rain. We'll own this one.

#usa #blame #acid #rain #acidrain

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12541 posts · Server

US : Effects of on Fish and Wildlife

Updated June, 2023

"The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain water can leach from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes. The more acid that is introduced to the ecosystem, the more aluminum is released.

"Some types of plants and animals are able to tolerate acidic waters and moderate amounts of aluminum. Others, however, are acid-sensitive and will be lost as the pH declines. Generally, the young of most species are more sensitive to environmental conditions than adults. At pH 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch. At lower pH levels, some adult fish die. Some acidic lakes have no fish. Even if a species of fish or animal can tolerate moderately acidic water, the animals or plants it eats might not. For example, frogs have a critical pH around 4, but the mayflies they eat are more sensitive and may not survive pH below 5.5."

#epa #acidrain #aluminum #waterislife #waterpollution #alzheimers #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
913 followers · 12540 posts · Server

Link Found

By Hamilton Davis
May 24, 1983

"Scientists have turned up evidence that acid rain is not only poisoning northeastern lakes but also is activating potentially hazardous aluminum in mountain soil, water and streams.

"Researchers at Cornell University, Dartmouth College and the University of Vermont, as well as scientists in Europe, have found aluminum in sufficient concentrations in high-altitude streams to be toxic to fish and aquatic life and apparently damaging to trees and plants.

"Some medical researchers suspect that aluminum, one of the most common elements on earth and long thought to be harmless, also may be implicated in several forms of human brain degeneration, particularly Alzheimer's disease, a common but devastating form of senility. The theory is far from proven, however.

"Normally, aluminum is tightly locked to other elements in the soil. The metal is now being knocked loose by such ingredients of acid rain as sulfuric and nitric acids.

"Acid water is most concentrated at high altiutdes. But as it flows downhill, it often passes over limestone bedrock, which progressively reduces the acidity. As the water approaches the neutral state, the aluminum particles begin combining with other elements and sink to the stream bottoms.

"What no one knows is the precise extent to which this free aluminum is getting into drinking water."

#acidrain #aluminum #waterislife #waterpollution #alzheimers #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

John MacNeil · @JohnnieMac
48 followers · 472 posts · Server

the on bluesky is like well, every now and then blue skies get cloudy and this is and your eyes are burning

#hellthread #acidrain

Last updated 1 year ago

The Big Data Cluster · @cznbigdata
185 followers · 621 posts · Server

disrupted in the mid-to-late 20th century.

Those systems are recovering, but have been altered in ways members of the Cluster are working to better understand.

Here's some of our latest research recently published by Frontiers in Water.

#scicomm #sciencecommunication #hydrology #bigdata #complexsystems #CriticalZone #acidrain

Last updated 1 year ago

Don't Sweat The Technique ✊ · @Valent
397 followers · 360 posts · Server

And I'd like to know why the giant swarms of killer bees that haunted us in the 1980s are apparently no longer a problem.

#scientists #acidrain #science #environment #environmental #quicksand #killerbees

Last updated 1 year ago

Don't Sweat The Technique ✊ · @Valent
397 followers · 360 posts · Server

@wihtlore Also, wtf happened to qucksand!? 🤔 It terrorised a generation of kids with nightmares of drowning in the sludge in the 1970s, and then just sort of disappeared! 🤷

#scientists #acidrain #science #enviroment #environmental

Last updated 1 year ago

Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
2925 followers · 1935 posts · Server

Can a science person (I think they’re called ) help me with a serious question please? Why don’t we hear about anymore? It was huge when I was a teen and now, nothing. Did we solve it? It seems like we did and maybe forgot to tell people?

#scientists #acidrain #science #enviroment #environmental

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
670 followers · 7397 posts · Server

What Is

Definition, Examples, and Environmental Impact

By Rebecca Coffey, Updated July 26, 2022

"Environmentally, open-pit mining is devastating. It consumes enormous amounts of water, heavily pollutes water and air, disfigures landscapes, and permanently destroys habitat. Even after pits are exhausted and sites are rehabilitated, the pit area retains elevated risks of and .

"Heavy clouds of dust form during mining operations. Blasting alone is an enormous piece of the problem. In 2018 an international team of scientists publishing in E3S Web of Conferences reported that about 10 billion cubic meters of rock are exploded annually. The resulting clouds transport about 2.0-2.5 million tons of dust.

"The dust from drilling and blasting at some mines is highly radioactive. This is the case, for example, at uranium mines. The problem is not limited to well-known radioactive ores, however, as all ores are to some degree.

"Even when it’s not radioactive, dust containing heavy metals can be very dangerous. When it is breathed it can create a variety of respiratory problems including black lung disease.

"The explosives used in blasting release fumes rich in - and -producing gases like highly toxic nitrogen dioxide. As far back as 1973 Soviet scientists reported that the smog can form in the pits themselves.In 2019 Chinese scientists reported that a mine-produced hydrochloric acid mist was caustic enough to corrode concrete.

" One of the most significant problems in open pit mining is also endemic to underground mining. The mineral pyrite is often found in coal mines. It contains sulfur. When pyrite is exposed and sulfur reacts with air and water, it forms an acid. Acidic water as well as any rock-bound heavy metals that the acid has dissolved leach out of the mines and into nearby rivers, lakes, and streams, killing aquatic life and making the water unusable.

"A 2021 study in the peer-reviewed journal Ecological Applications showed the elimination of 40% of the marine animal species in 93 bodies of water downstream from an area of Appalachia that has multiple open-pit mines. Especially problematic in relation to coal mining, acid mine drainage can continue for hundreds of years, even long after the mine has closed."

Read more:

#openpit #mining #erosion #flooding #radioactive #smog #acidrain #environment #pollution #waterislife #lithiumnevada #lithiumamericas #lithium #ThackerPass

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
628 followers · 6402 posts · Server

Climate risks by radioactive krypton-85 from nuclear fission. Atmospheric-electrical and air-chemical effects of ionizing radiation in the atmosphere

Klimarisiken durch radioaktives Krypton-85 aus der Kernspaltung. Luftelektrische und luftchemische Wirkungen ionisierender Strahlung in der Atmosphaere

Kollert, R., 1994

Abstract: [en] The study shows that krypton-85 from nuclear fission enhances air ionization and, thus, interferes with the atmospheric-electrical system and the water balance of the earth atmosphere. This is reason for concern: There are unforeseeable effects for weather and climate if the krypton-85 content of the earth atmosphere continues to rise. There may be a krypton-specific effect and a collapse of the natural atmospheric-electrical field. In addition, human well-being may be expected to be impaired as a result of the diminished atmospheric-electrical field. There is also the risk of radiochemical actions and effects caused-by krypton-85-containing plumes in other air-borne pollutants like the latters' transformation to aggressive oxidants. This implies radiation smog and more acid rain in the countries exposed. This study summarizes findings gained in these issues by various sciences, analyses them and elaborates hypotheses on the actions and effects of krypton-85 on the air, the atmosphere and the climate

#greenhouse #krypton85 #nonukes #nowar #nuclear #ionization #ClimateChange #greenhouseeffect #acidrain #radiationsmog

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Toguro
21 followers · 156 posts · Server
Brett Flaherty · @bnflaherty
1 followers · 8 posts · Server

Ewww possible from the Ohio train fire. Fun Times.


Last updated 1 year ago

The Mad Codger :pdx_badge: · @themadcodger
98 followers · 434 posts · Server
Mast0b1t · @mastobit
234 followers · 3945 posts · Server
andylancelot · @andylancelot
69 followers · 105 posts · Server

Taking back control of our Great

#paint #ipad #acidrain #british

Last updated 1 year ago

David Mayhood · @dmayhood
236 followers · 326 posts · Server
Duael · @Duael
50 followers · 212 posts · Server

"Oyster" Bodysuit.

Made with Mycelium, a rain absorbent/repellent fabric for the Acid Rain of this century.

Brought to you by SpaceX Earthwarez

#aiia #aiart #spacex #aiartworks #acidrain

Last updated 2 years ago

DNA Lounge · @dnalounge
559 followers · 316 posts · Server