#Rechtsmittel gegen die Beanstandung durch die #Datenschutz|aufsicht will #Ackermann zwar nicht einlegen – doch die rechtliche Auseinandersetzung geht weiter. #weißenfels #trierhttps://www.katholisch.de/artikel/46636-fall-weissenfels-bischof-ackermann-legt-keine-rechtsmittel-ein
#rechtsmittel #Datenschutz #ackermann #Weißenfels #trier
Survey of Precursors Of Category Theory • 4
• http://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/08/01/survey-of-precursors-of-category-theory-4/
A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice. A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.
Background —
Precursors Of Category Theory
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Precursors_Of_Category_Theory
Propositions As Types Analogy
• https://oeis.org/wiki/Propositions_As_Types_Analogy
Blog Series —
Notes On Categories
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2013/02/22/notes-on-categories-1/
Precursors Of Category Theory
1. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2013/12/20/precursors-of-category-theory-1/
2. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2013/12/30/precursors-of-category-theory-2/
3. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2014/01/03/precursors-of-category-theory-3/
Precursors Of Category Theory • Discussion
1. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/13/precursors-of-category-theory-discussion-1/
2. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/21/precursors-of-category-theory-discussion-2/
3. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/25/precursors-of-category-theory-discussion-3/
Categories à la Peirce —
C.S. Peirce • A Guess at the Riddle
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2012/03/21/c-s-peirce-a-guess-at-the-riddle/
Peirce's Categories
1. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/10/30/peirces-categories-1/
2. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/10/31/peirces-categories-2/
3. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2015/11/04/peirces-categories-3/
19. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/05/13/peirces-categories-19/
20. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/05/14/peirces-categories-20/
21. https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/06/25/peirces-categories-21/
#Aristotle #Peirce #Kant #Carnap #Hilbert #Ackermann #SaundersMacLane
#Abstraction #Analogy #CategoryTheory #Diagrams #FoundationsOfMathematics
#FunctionalLogic #RelationTheory #ContinuousPredicate #HypostaticAbstraction
#CategoryTheory #PeircesCategories #PropositionsAsTypes #TypeTheory #Universals
#universals #typetheory #propositionsastypes #peircescategories #hypostaticabstraction #continuouspredicate #RelationTheory #functionallogic #foundationsofmathematics #diagrams #categorytheory #analogy #abstraction #saundersmaclane #ackermann #hilbert #carnap #kant #Peirce #aristotle
Weil #Bischof #Ackermann ihren echten Namen vor Mitarbeitenden offengelegt hat, fordert die #Missbrauch|sbetroffene 20.000€.
#bischof #ackermann #Missbrauch #trier #kirche
#Ackermann sprinta a casa di Coppi e Girardengo
Partito da Camaiore, il gruppo arriva a Tortona dopo la tappa più lunga del Giro, 218 chilometri. Arrivo studiato per festeggiare i campionissimi nella loro terra d’origine: Girardengo era nato
The post #Ackermann sprinta a casa di Coppi e Girardengo first appeared on il manifesto.
#Ackermann sprints at the home of Coppi and Girardengo
Starting from Camaiore, the peloton arrived in Tortona after the longest stage of the Giro, 218 kilometres. Arrival designed to celebrate the champions in their land of origin: Girardengo was born
The post #Ackermann sprints to the home of Coppi and Girardengo first appeared on il manifesto.
18-5-2023 0:1 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/ackermann-sprinta-a-casa-di-coppi-e-girardengo
1100 (!) Watt im Schnitt. Das schafft nicht mal eine komplette Muckibuden-Besatzung an einem Tag auf 48 Rad-Ergometern. 🤣
#cycling #radsport #ackermann #giroditalia
#Joe #Ackermann: Bonis sind nötig um die besten zu kriegen
Auch Joe Ackermann: Wäre nicht erstaunt, wenn die Leute in den Geschäftsleitungen die Neuigkeiten (Regulatorien!?) der Letzten Jahre nicht mitbekommen haben.
Alles klar...
#joe #ackermann #srf #nzz #nzzstandpunkte
oh boy
joe #ackermann brabelt da immer noch was von "ohne boni gibts nicht die besten" und vergleicht den quatsch dann auch noch mit fussball 🙄
#NZZ #Standpunkte
Survey of Precursors Of Category Theory
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/04/03/survey-of-precursors-of-category-theory-3/
A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from Aristotle, to Kant and Peirce, through Hilbert and Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice. A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.
#CategoryTheory #CombinatoryLogic #PropositionsAsTypesAnalogy
#Aristotle #Kant #Peirce #Schönfinkel #Hilbert #Ackermann
#Carnap #Curry #WilliamHoward #Lambek #SaundersMacLane
#saundersmaclane #lambek #williamhoward #curry #carnap #ackermann #hilbert #schonfinkel #Peirce #kant #aristotle #propositionsastypesanalogy #combinatorylogic #categorytheory
Wenn das Geburtstagskind dafür extra blechen muss, wäre das schon ein Fortschritt...
Unter Mutti Merkel war's noch gratis und die Geburtstagsfeier mit Festessen ging auf Kosten der Steuerzahler.
Might be of interest —
#Precursors of #CategoryTheory
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/20/survey-of-precursors-of-category-theory-2/
A few years ago I began a sketch on the “Precursors of Category Theory”, tracing the continuities of the category concept from #Aristotle, to #Kant and #Peirce, through #Hilbert and #Ackermann, to contemporary mathematical practice. A Survey of resources on the topic is given below, still very rough and incomplete, but perhaps a few will find it of use.
#ackermann #hilbert #Peirce #kant #aristotle #categorytheory #precursors
#ackermann #benchmark #github #python #go #rust #c #haskell
#ackermann #benchmark #github #python #go #rust #c #haskell
Cormen et al. claims that A(4, 1) is "a huge number" beyond anything one would realistically encounter, but according to both Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha it's only 65,533. #ackermann