ACME Group has announced a significant partnership with Tata Steel Special Economic Zone to establish a green hydrogen and green ammonia project
#TSSEZL #TataSteel #ACME #ACMEGroup #GreenHydrogen #GreenAmonia #GangaNews
#tssezl #tatasteel #acme #acmegroup #greenhydrogen #greenamonia #ganganews
My first #NextCloud instance is running in my local network 🥳
Unfortunately, #iOS needs a valid certificate for access...
I would like to use a wildcard certificate from #LetsEncrypt for all severs on my local network (I use a own public domain internally).. Any hints how to realize that and how to distribute this wildcard certificate to all the local servers?
My domain hoster have a #acme compatible API
Any tutorials are welcome 🤘
#linux #server
#server #linux #acme #letsencrypt #ios #nextcloud
第775回 step-caで自前のLet's Encrypt/ACMEサーバーをUbuntu上に構築する
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #アプリケーション #ネットワーク技術 #Ubuntu #ACME #Let_039_sEncrypt #TLS #Server #LXD
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #アプリケーション #ネットワーク技術 #ubuntu #acme #let_039_sencrypt #tls #server #lxd
第775回 step-caで自前のLet's Ecnrypt/ACMEサーバーをUbuntu上に構築する
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #アプリケーション #ネットワーク技術 #Ubuntu #ACME #Let_039_sEncrypt #TLS #Server #LXD
#gihyo #技術評論社 #gihyo_jp #アプリケーション #ネットワーク技術 #ubuntu #acme #let_039_sencrypt #tls #server #lxd
ACME (アクメ): New Look
Вокалист: Chisa (ex.Vettic → NEXX(Ba.&Vo)
Гитарист: Shogo (ex.Linda → xTRiPx)
Басист: Rikito
Барабанщик: Hal (ex. ARTEMA(H@L) → CHISA&Shogo(support))
#JR_NewLook #jrock #visualkei #ACME
#acme #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Newlook
#HAProxy seems to have gotten a better way to handle #LetsEncrypt #TLS certificates with I missed this post during summer: Going to try this in my home lab one of the upcoming evenings.
#haproxy #letsencrypt #tls #acme
Nice little #nix & #nixos tip when serving websites with #acme and #letsencrypt which isn't mentioned anywhere I've seen yet:
You can specify an acme cert using `security.acme.certs.<name>.{...}` and then in your nginx vhost use `useACMEHost` **instead of `enableACME`** which lets you do things like having the "bare" domain setup with a proper redirect to `www.` without duplicating the cert.
#nix #nixos #acme #letsencrypt
Если у вас на хосте несколько ip и только один из них занимает 80 порт, то вы все равно не сможете получить сертификат через certbot потому что он пытается сесть на *:80
Just pushed some iteration of acme-not-a-joke, my #rfc8555 #acme library in-the-making library.
Besides some modularization of the code, I've introduced a "Dancer" object to facilitate writing a dance to request certificate orders, DNS challenges setups, and poll for ready statuses before eventually getting a certificate.
@breadbin @lorddimwit Well, but there are now new generation of #Smalltalk (Squeak) and #Lisp (zillion of them), but there is no good reimplementation of #Plan9 with the current technologies (Wayland, TTF fonts, better design of window manager … something #sway -like?), and there are no better editors for Plan9 than #ACME (
#smalltalk #Lisp #Plan9 #sway #acme
It just occurred to me that there's a whole generation of young people that, having grown up without regular exposure to Looney Tunes, probably doesn't know what an anvil is. #Acme
@symbology By the way, #acme is the true editor. Improvement is certainly possible, but has not been achieved yet.
Since Google has announced the intention to reduce the maximum validation time for TLS-certificates frrom 398 days to 90 - I have spent the entire day testing out acme2certifier - basically a self-hosted ACME-server that can be used to act as a middleware/proxy against Lets Encrypt, ZeroSSL, Digicert and more - or even your own CA.
Turns out that it is well documentet and quite easy to configure and set up
#linux #acme #letsencrypt #tls
This Week in Security:, Leaking LEDs, and Android Apps - Let’s Encrypt has made an enormous difference to the landscape of the web. The pro... - #thisweekinsecurity #hackadaycolumns #bitwarden #news #acme
#acme #news #bitwarden #hackadaycolumns #thisweekinsecurity
Any #acme users here using Please check this out.
It’s hot & humid & no better time for #Acme by #TheJonSpenserBluesExplosion.
This, another pick up from yesterday’s record fair, is a ‘98 US 1st press & it’s as funky & nasty as one might hope. I love #JSBX & this is right up there wiht Calvin as their best opening track for my money.
This pressing is a pleasant surprise: dynamic, great tonality (the guitars really cut through, as they should). The jacket is VG & the #vinyl VG+.
#acme #thejonspenserbluesexplosion #jsbx #vinyl #NowSpinning #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinylrecords #music
@Migueldeicaza @mholt @film_girl
I should have kept track of whoever it was commenting the other week about how many machine instructions and conversions to and from machine-readable form it takes to increment a variable by 1.
_math() {
printf "%s" "$(($_m_opts))"
_request_retry_times=$(_math "$_request_retry_times" + 1)