Una filial de ACS construirá un complejo residencial de lujo en India por 114 millones https://www.idealista.com/news/inmobiliario/internacional/2023/09/11/807958-una-filial-de-acs-construira-un-complejo-de-apartamentos-de-lujo-en-india-por #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Marketnavigator #CasasenlaIndia #Viviendadelujo #Internacional #India #ACS
#afc_news #afcolegiado #marketnavigator #casasenlaindia #viviendadelujo #internacional #india #acs
#ClimateChange is affecting #telecommunications infrastructure. #HamRadio might be able to help | #CBC #News:
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cimate-change-telecommunications-ham-radio-help-1.6884108 #ARES #ACS #RAC #EMCOM #AmateurRadio
#climatechange #telecommunications #HamRadio #cbc #News #ares #acs #rac #emcom #AmateurRadio
Ferrovial, ACS y Sacyr se desprenden de 7.000 millones en activos en dos años https://www.idealista.com/news/inmobiliario/empresas/2023/08/29/807742-ferrovial-acs-y-sacyr-se-desprenden-de-7-000-millones-en-activos-en-dos-anos #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Constructorasespañolas #Marketnavigator #Ventadeactivos #GrupoSacyr #Ferrovial #Empresas #ACS
#afc_news #afcolegiado #constructorasespanolas #marketnavigator #ventadeactivos #gruposacyr #ferrovial #empresas #acs
Can I reprint a part of a Springer-Nature figure in an ACS Au journal for free? We tried to do the permission thing via RightsLink, but it prompts us with a $836.77 bill 😱 Please help, if you know something.
Anyone have the "chemoji" set downloaded somewhere? I just found out about it 8 years late, but all of the links from C&EN are broken...
(original page: https://cen.acs.org/articles/93/web/2015/08/ACS-Chemoji-Available-Download.html )
#chemistry #chemiverse #Science #acs
RT Patrick Dupont
Thank you @KenyaEmbAddis & @Denmark_Addis for this timely event, 4 weeks ahead of 1st Africa Climate Summit #ACS. Integrated early warning & early action saves lives & resources. EU/TeamEurope doing its bit. #DDR #EarthObservations #ClimateAction #ClimateServices #AUEU @EUtoAU
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Kira Smith Sindbjerg 🇩🇰: Raising the agenda for 🌍climate change and finding solutions like early warning systems #AMHEWAS was the focus of today’s high level event co-hosted by 🇰🇪 and 🇩🇰. 🙏 all for active contributions. We look forward to the #AfricaClimateSummit @_AfricanUnion @JosefaSacko @DanishMFA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PatrickDupontEU/status/1688918764795150336
#acs #ddr #EarthObservations #ClimateAction #ClimateServices #AUEU #AMHEWAS #AfricaClimateSummit
Tigase Advanced Clustering Strategy (#ACS) is our commercial #clustering solution, designed for typical XMPP installations, capable of #scaling easily to millions and beyond of online users without any limit on cluster nodes. In load tests, we included a user database with #100 #million accounts and an average roster size of up to 150, but the system can handle even more.
#acs #clustering #scaling #million
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
The classical Heisenberg model on the centred pyrochlore lattice
Rajah P. Nutakki, Ludovic D. C. Jaubert, Lode Pollet
SciPost Phys. 15, 040 (2023)
#FP7 #EC
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #MCQST #acs #UniversityofBordeaux #ANR #dfg #FP7 #ec #LudwigMaximilianUniversityofMunich
Kotaku: The Next Assassin's Creed Is Smaller Because Past Games Got Way Too Big [Update] https://kotaku.com/assassin-s-creed-mirage-valhalla-size-small-rpg-ubisoft-1849980777 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #assassinscreedmirage #actionadventuregames #altairibnlaahad #assassinscreed #stephaneboudon #fabiansalomon #basimibnishad #windowsgames #openworld #ubisoft #acs #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #assassinscreedmirage #actionadventuregames #altairibnlaahad #assassinscreed #stephaneboudon #fabiansalomon #basimibnishad #windowsgames #openworld #ubisoft #acs #rpg
Neat paper: extract up to 400mL water/day with a passive device, or up to 57 L/day with a powered device, fully resuably, more efficiently than with existing condensation machines: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.0c00678 #water #sustainability #ACS
Když se ⚽ fotbalová Sparta po dlouhých devíti letech opět jednou dočkala, její šéf Daniel Křetínský si kromě ohromné radosti také výrazně oddechl.
#acsparta #acs #DanielKretinsky #interview #football
#acsparta #acs #DanielKretinsky #interview #football
Kotaku: The Next Big Assassin's Creed Gets 7 Minutes Of Stabby Gameplay https://kotaku.com/assassins-creed-mirage-ubisoft-forward-1850528780 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #videogameconsoles #assassin27screed #stc3a9phaneboudo #creativeworks #basimibnishaq #windowsgames #videogames #ubisoft #xboxone #mirage #acs #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #videogameconsoles #assassin27screed #stc3a9phaneboudo #creativeworks #basimibnishaq #windowsgames #videogames #ubisoft #xboxone #mirage #acs #rpg
📌Urbaser, principal contratista del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en 2021 https://carabanchel.net/urbaser-principal-contratista-del-ayuntamiento-de-madrid-en-2021/
#Carabanchel #Madrid #Urbaser #ACS #Ayuntamiento #Limpieza #cantones
#carabanchel #madrid #urbaser #acs #ayuntamiento #limpieza #cantones
- #PP y el vicepresidente #Abascal presentan su #reformalaboral.
- Trabajadores de #ACS ganando en flexibilidad y competitividad. 🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦
#pp #abascal #reformalaboral #acs
Le @Senat accueille, aujourd'hui, le colloque «Déchets nucléaires : incinération et transmutation» organisé par #ACS (Accelerators and Cryogenic Systems). Les échanges, autour des thèmes de la transmutation ou encore du Projet #Myrrha, promettent d'être de qualité. @bricelalonde
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/gerardlonguet55/status/1661661934691729411
Astorat i colpit per la notícia del traspàs del diputat pirinenc #AntoniFlores.
Una molt forta abraçada a tota la família i amics, així com també a tota la gent d’#ERC de #Tremp, del #Pirineu i del #Parlament. #ACS @AntoniFlores7
RT @parlamentcat: El @parlamentcat lamenta la mort del diputat @AntoniFlores7, del grup d'@Esquerra_ERC, i expressa el condol a la seva família i amics
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ramontremosa/status/1660769414420090883
#AntoniFlores #erc #Tremp #Pirineu #Parlament #acs
New #openaccess publication #SciPost #Physics
Deriving density-matrix functionals for excited states
Julia Liebert, Christian Schilling
SciPost Phys. 14, 120 (2023)
#openaccess #SciPost #physics #MCQST #acs #dfg #International_Max_Planck_Research_School_for_Quantum_Science_and_Technology #Munich_Center_for_Quantum_Science_and_Technology
@freeradical ⬆️
I wanted my students to have access to the #ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication for the same reasons as you. I asked our library to provide access to it, and now all students, whether or not they are ACS Student Members have access IF they go through the library website.
I have direct access as well, but have to use “member benefits”. But free if I access via library. ⬇️ #chemistry
Ukrainian gunners are mastering American M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzers at an intensive pace
#ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #usa #m109 #paladin #acs
Adding two more #Stata #cartogram #maps for the #USA. The geography is based on the #NYTimes version.
Data is extracted from the #ACS 2021 population estimates using the #getcensus package. Right map uses the new version of #bimap.
#Stata #cartogram #maps #usa #nytimes #acs #getcensus #bimap