Care about ancestry data?
On Wednesday, join the Association of Public Data Users for a webinar featuring Merarys Rios-Vargas and Angie Buchanan from the U.S. Census Bureau who will discuss the potential removal of the ancestry question from the American Community Survey.
If you use #ACSdata and have thoughts, sign up to watch, give feedback, or ask questions:
#acsdata #data #race #ethnicity #ancestry #survey #statistics
@datageekB so so true.
For years, preparing #popests for MSP metro, we've used lagging #ACSdata for avg HH size. We just assumed this a variable that changes slowly🐢.
But we're working up 2022 set of pop ests and 🤦🏽♂️WHOA! realizing avg HH size has crashed... nationwide!
more on how Census Bureau recategorizes people's race based on Big Brother's understanding of how you 👉🏽should👈🏽 have answered the question:
… But this time about #ACSdata (not Decennial)
Final Call for Abstracts for the 2023 ACS Data Users Conference
Conference will be May 16-18, 2023. We are inviting abstract submissions for the *virtual* breakout sessions on May 17-18. We are also planning some in-person, invited plenary presentations on May 16 in Washington, DC (livestreamed).
Registration for the conference will be FREE for all participants.
Map: Use the #Census website to explore the poverty rate in #Connecticut census tracts, using the recently-released (2017-2021) 5-year #ACSdata:$1400000&tid=ACSDP5Y2021.DP03&cid=DP03_0128PE&layer=VT_2021_140_00_PY_D1&mode=thematic&loc=41.7602,-72.6901,z11.3760 #nnip #poverty #mapping #demographics
#census #connecticut #acsdata #nnip #poverty #mapping #demographics
*NEW* from Census Bureau on changes to privacy protections for the American Community Survey
"We’ve heard from a number of data users lately who have questions...
Our current assessment is that the science does not yet exist to comprehensively implement a formally private solution for the ACS. We expect a multiyear development period, including data user review and feedback, that will extend beyond 2025."
What percentage of income is spent on housing in your county?
Find out using new 2017-2021 #AmericanCommunitySurvey 5-year estimates and our new data visualization:
#americancommunitysurvey #acsdata #dataviz
Happy Census data release day, everyone! The U.S. Census Bureau published 2017-2021 5-year #ACSdata estimates today. This chart is an example of the kinds of data available.
Press release:
Links to local summary data:
📣 Call for Abstracts: 2023 ACS Data Users Conference
The 2023 American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users #Conference will be held on May 16-18, 2023. Hybrid (DC-area & remote).
Submit your proposal by Fri., December 16, 2022
#Data #ACSdata #Census #Survey #Statistics #Research
@demography @sociology @edutooters @economics
#conference #data #acsdata #census #survey #statistics #research
Since there are so many new folks, it's time for a re- #introduction
My background is in regional planning & demography.
(And, briefly, econ.)
I geek out about #data (especially #census data) and evidence-based policymaking (especially for social equity, public health, and environmental justice).
I over-use parentheses.
I'd rather be outside.
#Demography #Sociology #PublicHealth #ACSdata #Fertility #Mortality #Poverty #Inequality #Transit #Reading @sociology @demography @publichealth
#introduction #data #census #demography #sociology #publichealth #acsdata #fertility #mortality #poverty #inequality #transit #reading
I’m a retired #regional #transportation #planner living in #Hayward in the #SanFranciscoBayArea . My hobbies include reading, bicycling, playing piano, #jazz #hiking #travel with #RoadScholar #theater #wine #beer #progressive #politics #GIS #geography
I have a data hobby: looking at #data from the US #Census including the #ACSData (American Community Survey) and #decennial census and #IPUMS, using the #rstats packages #tidycensus #tigris #tidyverse
#introduction #regional #transportation #planner #hayward #sanfranciscobayarea #jazz #hiking #travel #roadscholar #theater #wine #beer #progressive #politics #gis #geography #data #census #acsdata #decennial #ipums #rstats #tidycensus #tigris #tidyverse
📣 Call for Abstracts: 2023 ACS Data Users Conference
The 2023 American Community Survey (ACS) Data Users Conference will be held on May 16-18, 2023. Hybrid format.
Submit your proposal by Fri., Dec. 16, 2022
#Data #ACSdata #Census #Conference #Survey #Statistics #Research
#data #acsdata #census #Conference #survey #statistics #research