In Joe Biden's police reform executive order, he promised to set up a database of officers who committed misconduct. It was supposed to launch by January 20th. Nothing yet.
Wanna take a minute and contact the White House to ask why?
Contact your member of Congress today and demand that the #AfghanAdjustmentAct be added to the omnibus.
We can't demand we stand by Ukraine while we abandon the people who helped us in Afghanistan.
#actionitem #afghanadjustmentact
U.S. #ActionItem #ActionAlert
#Covid19 #ThePandemicIsNotOver
Text Sign PRRGXL to 50409
[Text of letter to your elected officials:
I'm writing to ask you to fully support the Biden Administration's request for emergency funding for COVID-19 response. The American people need you to wholeheartedly support money to weather the winter surge; to keep tests, vaccines, and treatments available to the American people; to research long COVID; and to develop next-generation vaccines to truly put this pandemic nightmare behind us. We must also ensure that the vaccine is available globally. Again, as a constituent, I'm asking you to fight for this funding.]
#actionitem #actionalert #covid19 #thepandemicisnotover
#ActionItem! Join @AbortionFront for their monthly virtual action hour on January 9 to EXPOSE FAKE CLINICS!
Abortion Access Front is a great gateway to increasing your engagement and activism. If you're looking for ways to get involved, sign up! Grab some friends, some drinks and/or snacks and make it social!
#AbortionAccessFront #AbortionAF #abortion #ExposeFakeClinics #LiberateAbortion #ReproJustice #AbortionActivism
#abortionactivism #ReproJustice #liberateabortion #exposefakeclinics #abortion #abortionaf #abortionaccessfront #actionitem