Stumbled across some thoughts I jotted down nearly two years ago that capture the original intent and motivations for the #WayFinderPlatform & #StoryKeeper
Useful for recalibrating and clarifying the direction of travel going into a new year...
#sensemaking #actionlearning #stories #reflectivepractice #socialmedia
#WayFinderPlatform #StoryKeeper #sensemaking #actionlearning #stories #reflectivepractice #socialmedia #ToolsForThought
Little preview of next video...looking at how #StoryKeeper, #WayFinderPlatform and #multiplayer #sensemaking fit into an #actionlearning loop, where the "output" of the sensemaking is not a polished blog post or research paper, but informs wise action in HHI* contexts
*HHI = Human to Human Interactions (as opposed to HCI)
#StoryKeeper #WayFinderPlatform #multiplayer #sensemaking #actionlearning #ToolsForThought