Actions URI 1.3.0 was released today! 🚀
The new version 1.3 of my #ObsidianMD community plugin adds support for …
- #Obsidian commands (think “Command palette”)
- Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Notes (c/o Periodic Notes)
Details and links to the new docs in the release notes:
Get the plugin it from the Community Plugins index:
Have a productive week, y'all 🤙🏼
#ObsidianMD #obsidian #pkm #actionsuri
@AnthonyBaker @anders Well, there is the Create Folder action:
But if you’re not on macOS and/or into bare-bones scripting, my #ActionsURI community plugin might help:
@the_hofmann Addendum: Even if it's out of scope for AfO, if you're into scripting and need to get content into Obsidian, take a look at my #ActionsURI plugin's API.
(That's the plugin you've installed as part of the AfO "link your vault" onboarding steps.)
Version 1.2.0 of my #Obsidian plugin #ActionsURI is out, and it's a big'un.
I've also added the plugin project status to both the README and the docs ( so you'll know what to expect in terms of maturity, development and support.
Thanks for using it in case you actually do 😂
#obsidian #actionsuri #ObsidianMD
The upcoming #ActionsURI release feels solid. Applying templates on note creation (including daily notes!) is useful. I'm aiming for a release tomorrow.
I am excited and humbled to have the 👏🏻opportunity👏🏻 to disrupt and revolutionize the process of how we work with our accumulated knowledge repositories in a truly deep, personalized way so that we can better realize our true potential. #blessed
Oh shit, oh wait, this isn't LinkedIn. Phew, thank the Gods. Yeah, I'm gonna work on getting my #ActionsURI plugin to apply templates to new #Obsidian notes.
In case you're using my #ObsidianMD plugin #ActionsURI: its upcoming 1.2.0 will include appending/prepending below headlines, and optional note creation if the note couldn't be found.
Enough people asked nicely, which is a good yardstick for implementing it. 😉
#ObsidianMD #actionsuri #obsidian #pkm #obsidianplugins
Racing down the race track that is the long road to Actions for Obsidian 1.2.0 and Actions URI 1.2.0…
Current status / roadmap:
#ActionsForObsidian #ObsidianMD #Obsidian #PKM #ShortcutsApp #ActionsURI
Webcam footage of me writing writing both Swift and Typescript code in the same hour:
#actionsforobsidian #ObsidianMD #obsidian #pkm #shortcutsapp #actionsuri
#ActionsURI v1.1.0 is out!
New stuff this time around:
- If you're unhappy with the global search, and use #Omnisearch, you'll be delighted about the new `/omnisearch` routes
- Actions URI should now handle unexpected exceptions outside its control more graceful
- Less race conditions when creating notes in Templater-controlled folders!
- Release:
- Community Plugins:
#actionsuri #omnisearch #ObsidianMD #obsidian #pkm
Oh hello there, #Omnisearch…
#ActionsURI #ActionsForObsidian (WIP!) #Obsidian #ObsidianMD
#omnisearch #actionsuri #actionsforobsidian #obsidian #ObsidianMD
I just fixed* a "fun" issue in #ActionsURI:
Creating an empty note in a Templater-"owned" folder will make Templater add its initial content, right? But if you follow the `/note/create` with, say, a `/note/search-and-replace` call right away, the note might still be empty 'cause Templater needs a bit of time to react.
So, Actions URI will check whether Templater is installed and active and give it some time before returning.
*) Included in the next version of the plugin
#actionsuri #ObsidianMD #obsidian
New release of my Actions URI plugin!
v0.18 brings streamlined note creation by adding a new optional `if-exists` parameter to specify a strategy for dealing with an existing note. It overrides the default behavior. So if that particular note already exists, you can choose between overwriting or skipping the default, which is returning an error (in case of a daily note) or adding another note with a numeric suffix. Handy!
#ObsidianMD #obsidian #pkm #actionsuri
Today is "work on Actions URI" day! There's a number of bugs that need to be fixed so I can progress with AfO. Let's gooooo
#actionsforobsidian #obsidianmd #obsidian #pkm #actionsuri
@Colman It launches Obsidian, and that means anything the app itself has going on in terms of sync, will likely be fired up as well.
If you're using iCloud sync, that should work as well since the files in that particular sync folder will change.
That being said: #ActionsURI doesn't care at all about sync at that point, it's not part of its scope. It's just like most other plugins in that regard.
Meanwhile, over on GitHub, there was an interesting suggestion for my #ActionsURI #ObsidianMD plugin. I finally got around thinking about it, and sketched out what this new `/daily-note/create-or-append` route would/could do.
Basically: Finds or creates the current daily and appends some text to it. If the note needs to be created first, #Obsidian will use the template that is specified in its settings, unless the ignore-template parameter is set.
#actionsuri #obsidianmd #obsidian #pkm