A review on different applications of control ideas to neuroscience, #motorcontrol and #decisionmaking, using in particular #controltheory and #perceptual #control.
The description of perceptual control seems suspiciously close to Friston's #activeinference...
#activeinference #control #perceptual #controltheory #decisionmaking #motorcontrol
Marco Treven on why psychiatric disorders such as Parkinson's involve circuits that go beyond the brain. If so, how can active inference help illuminate these feedback relationships?
Parkinson’s disease, affordances, and networks https://kli.ac.at/content/en/the_kli/news/view/376 #KLI #ActiveInference #PredictiveProcessing #Affordances #parkinsons #circuitopathies
#KLI #activeinference #predictiveprocessing #affordances #parkinsons #circuitopathies
To be alive means constantly making sense of a world that nourishes you but can also kill you. That's whether you're a bacterium or a whale.
Without sense making, a living being can't adjust its behavior to changing circumstances. Without sense making, death would come swiftly.
There is no life without cognition. #BasalCognition #ActiveInference
#activeinference #basalcognition
We’ll soon be advertising a #postdoc position. Work at intersection between #computational and #experimental #neuroscience. #cogneurojobs #activeinference #multisensory
#postdoc #computational #experimental #neuroscience #cogneurojobs #activeinference #multisensory
We’ll soon be advertising a #postdoc position. Work at intersection between #computational and #experimental #neuroscience. #cogneurojobs #activeinference #multisensory
#postdoc #computational #experimental #neuroscience #cogneurojobs #activeinference #multisensory
#ActiveInference opens up promising new paths toward Artificial Intelligence https://twitter.com/mjdramstead/status/1599579403091968002?s=12&t=UWwZdd58HlQSPcdaQRLzUw
#ActiveInference opens up promising new paths toward Artificial Intelligence https://twitter.com/mjdramstead/status/1599579403091968002?s=12&t=UWwZdd58HlQSPcdaQRLzUw
Agreed - such hypes are often trends recycled. Revisiting ideas is good science though. What I dislike is when so-called "new ideas" ignore prior ideas and science. Ecological psychology, active perception, enaction (and others?) came before active inference. Prediction and control solve the same conceptual insight as the so called "free energy principle" only without the Bayesian framework that might nudge our modelling along?
#cognition #activeinference #prediction #control
#cognition #activeinference #prediction #control
I was exposed to the importance of interaction between top-down and bottom-up neural/cognitive processes early on (I did my PhD in the department Steve Grossberg started), so I am slightly amused and baffled by the hype surrounding #PredictiveProcessing and/or #ActiveInference.
It suggests that David Hume's idea that all knowledge comes from the outside world has had way too long a half-life in biology.
#philosophy #neuroscience #activeinference #PredictiveProcessing
Hi folks!
I make #electronics and write code and help people solve interesting problems. I wrote a book on #LEGO and Arduino projects. I made a lot of open source hardware electronics kits (see Wayne and Layne), worked with Dessa, and am currently nerding out over #ActiveInference, #EmbodiedCognition, and #CognitiveNeuroscience. I write a bunch of code over at Beeminder, helping folks achieve their goals.
I love to #dance, read, and spend time with my wife and my two kids.
#electronics #lego #activeinference #embodiedcognition #cognitiveneuroscience #dance
Well this is exciting... my #introduction: I am a #psychiatrist and #neuroscientist at #UCL studying #psychosis and #schizophrenia mainly - I use #computationalpsychiatry methods to try to infer neurobiological changes from brain imaging data, and also to understand how cognitive processes going awry could lead to symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. I'm also interested in so-called #functionalsymptoms, #AI, #OCD, #machinelearning, #activeinference and lots of arty stuff too...
#introduction #psychiatrist #neuroscientist #ucl #psychosis #schizophrenia #computationalpsychiatry #functionalsymptoms #ai #OCD #machinelearning #activeinference
I presented "Towards a symbolic implementation of Active Inference for Lego robots" at the 2nd Applied Active Inference Symposium https://youtu.be/dTVHHenms_Y?t=6110 #ActiveInference
RT @AlessandraNCYu
At #SfN2022? 🧠 Stop by poster TT5 tomorrow (Wed) afternoon for a 💭 theoretical framework for the #affective sciences and an example #activeinference model 🔗 integrating theories of #emotion! #FBIatSfN #SfN2022 @leroylowe @Neuroqualia @RyanSmith_LIBR @eddabilek @DrSFink
#sfn2022 #affective #activeinference #emotion #FBIatSfN
I’m a philosopher working on the #Philosophy of (artificial) #Consciousness, #PhilosophyOfMind, and #PhilosophyOfCognitiveScience. Also interested in #MathematicalConsciousnessScience, #AI, #AIEthics, #ComputationalPsychiatry, #CognitiveNeuroscience, and the #FreeEnergyPrinciple / #ActiveInference.
I’m editor-in-chief of “Philosophy and the Mind Sciences” #PhiMiSci #OpenAccess (https://philosophymindscience.org/), together with Jennifer Windt (Monash) and Sascha Fink (Magdeburg).
#introduction #philosophy #consciousness #philosophyofmind #PhilosophyOfCognitiveScience #MathematicalConsciousnessScience #ai #aiethics #computationalpsychiatry #CognitiveNeuroscience #FreeEnergyPrinciple #activeinference #PhiMiSci #openaccess
#Introduction time.
TL;dr: maths to formally study #agents, #worldmodels and #representations
I'm currently a Chief Researcher at Araya, a Tokyo based startup with the goal to understand (artificial) #consciousness.
My work focuses on general principles for the #origins of #agency, #life and #cognition. I previously used the #freeenergyprinciple (+ #activeinference) as my main framework, but I'm now looking into other directions, mostly using #categorytheory applied to #systemstheory.
#systemstheory #categorytheory #activeinference #freeenergyprinciple #cognition #life #agency #origins #consciousness #representations #worldmodels #agents #introduction
Let me try to create a new #fediverse #group as a topic anchor across instances, focused on @complexsystems@a.gup.pe
(the mention does the trick).
#complexsystems #selforganization #networks #memory #activeinference
#activeinference #memory #networks #selforganization #complexsystems #group #fediverse