@daedalus I looked at that too. Maybe I will look closer. One of the cooler things is tunneling through two #ActivePieces behind a firewall. Seems to work.
I'm experimenting with #ActivePieces as a self-hosted alternative to #Zapier and think it'll fit in as a companion if not a replacement. I've already replaced 1/3 of my most-run Zapier task with a "Flow" kicked off with a webhook from Zapier, which is kind of cool. Anyone else doing ActivePieces and Zapier?
無料でIFTTTやZapierのようにいろいろなアプリを組み合わせて自動化できるオープンソース&セルフホスト可能なツール「Activepieces」を使ってGIGAZINEの記事全文RSSをメール送信してみた - GIGAZINE
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