On the RTD FF1 from downtown Boulder headed to Viva Streets Denver and yes, the weather finally looks perfect for the event. Hope to see y’all out there.
btw I’ll have #StreetsAreForPeople and #ActiveTowns stickers with me if you want ‘em
#activetowns #StreetsAreForPeople #BikeDen
In November 2022 John Simmermann of Active Towns and Jordan Clark visited Nijmegen. We cycled to the northern neighbourhoods and the RijnWaalpad.
#cyclezen #activetowns #nijmegen #bridges #cycling
Onze #fietsambassadeur vertelt zijn verhaal https://youtu.be/3zrwO3EQM40
#bicycledutch #ActiveTowns
#fietsambassadeur #bicycledutch #activetowns