#BillS5 was to #modernize #Canadian #EnvironmentalProtectionAct - the right of all people in #Canada to a #HealthyEnvironment is now recognized in law. Although ultimate goal was to have this right enshrined in the #CanadianCharterOfRightsAndFreedoms - getting it into this #law is a great start.
The Environmental Protection Act hadn’t been #updated since 1999.
#environmental #HumanRights #Ecojustice #ActivismWorks #LongBattles #ClimateAction #EnvironmentalJustice
#bills5 #modernize #canadian #environmentalprotectionact #canada #healthyenvironment #canadiancharterofrightsandfreedoms #law #updated #environmental #humanrights #ecojustice #activismworks #longbattles #climateaction #environmentaljustice
Liebe @gretathunberg der "#Code" ist 42 #ActivismWorks 👍 👯 #thecodeis42 I am programming the Universe! In my #dreams. :mastolove: to free #hemp [#Cannabis] for the stigmatized #Weedmob but I #love them :blobcatyes: 😍 👍 do you know why? :mastosob:
https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/110156873675716841 thank #YOU 😃
#love #WeedMob #cannabis #hemp #you #dreams #thecodeis42 #activismworks #code
Questo inverno abbiamo (500 attivistə da tutta europa) bloccato per un giorno intero l'areoporto dei #jetprivati di Amsterdam.
Oggi la notizia, li hanno bannati.
When attempting to achieve any outcome, it's worth reflecting on what is useful & what is not useful, or worse, counterproductive.
Consider your biases & preferences when recommending a course of action and whether it might have consequences you hadn't considered or aren't as applicable to you.
This isn't groundbreaking advice. But why is it so difficult to do in the political sphere?
#uspolitics #activismworks
Forscher: Klimaproteste erhöhen Sichtbarkeit und Handlungsdruck - wissenschaftlich bewiesen!
#ActivismWorks, so #JoinTheRebellion!
#activismworks #jointherebellion
Con un verdetto storico, un tribunale dei Paesi Bassi ha stabilito che Shell è responsabile di aver danneggiato il clima del Pianeta.
È la prima volta che una grande compagnia di combustibili fossili viene ritenuta responsabile di aver contribuito alla crisi climatica.
È anche la prima volta che vediamo inserite nel calcolo delle emissioni di cui si rende responsabile Shell anche quelle finali, prodotte dall'utilizzo del petrolio che estrae e vende.
#giustiziaclimatica #activismworks
Das führte dazu das Tagesordnungspunkte verlegt wurden. #ActivismWorks
Aber vielleicht sollte die Stadtverwaltung mal über #BürgerInnenversammlung nachdenken ?
z.B. zum Thema
💧#Wasserverorgung in der #Duerre oder
⏰Halle auf die #Klimakrise vorbereiten
#activismworks #bürgerinnenversammlung #fächenversieglung #wasserverorgung #duerre #klimakrise
#ActivismWorks 😀👍 #WeiterSoWarGestern #ExtinctionRebellion
RT @ExtinctionR_DE
@ndr Stabile Ansage von der @tagesschau:
"Um die Dringlichkeit der Situation zu betonen und die Krise als solche anzuerkennen, werden wir den Begriff #Klimawandel fortan durch den Begriff #Klimakrise ersetzen."
#activismworks #weitersowargestern #extinctionrebellion #klimawandel #klimakrise
RT @TorstenLuetten@twitter.com
Dear @GretaThunberg@twitter.com, I just want you to know the "Greta-effect" from air travel now reached big, I mean really big energy suppliers. Today a senior manager told me staff demands decarbonization because their kids push for it. Management now doubles down, speed up!