“Say Anything: Abolish Ice”. Protester outside an Elizabeth, NJ immigrant detention facility holds sign that says, "Abolish ICE," because the agency was separating families and holding children alone in cages
© Photo by Chris Boese.
#art #photography #mastoart #mastodonart #activistart
Tote-ally obsessed? Get this tote on my website. ☀️
#notenoughsageintheworld #washington #gun #stop #witches #sage #dc #protest #violence #burn #granddaughters #womensmarch #chrisboese #boesegalleries #art #photography #totebags #activistart #MastodonArt #MastoArt
#notenoughsageintheworld #Washington #gun #stop #witches #sage #dc #protest #violence #burn #granddaughters #WomensMarch #chrisboese #boesegalleries #art #photography #totebags #activistart #mastodonart #mastoart
Introducing "Our Blood is Boiling Out of Our Whatevers".
Protesters at the 2017 Washington, DC Women's March holds a sign reading, "Our Blood is Boiling Out of Our Whatevers"
#art #photography #mastoart #mastodonart #activistart
Artists Support Black Liberation: Art Exhibit & Auction by John Brown Anti-Klan Committee; New Afrikan People's Organization; Cliff Joseph
#art, #artauctions, #artexhibitions, #activistart, #NewAfrikanPeoplesOrganization, #MalcolmXCenterforBlackSurvival, #MalcolmXCenter, #ElBohio, #LaGaleria
Booklet for an art show held in the 1980s. Includes a listing of all the artworks that were [planned to be] displayed.
#art #ArtAuctions #artexhibitions #activistart #newafrikanpeoplesorganization #malcolmxcenterforblacksurvival #malcolmxcenter #elbohio #lagaleria
You all have good taste! Popular on my website this week: "Fascist"
© Photo by Chris Boese
#Photography [https://newsie.social/tags/Photography?utm_content=buffereea94&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bufferapp.com&utm_campaign=buffer] #art
[https://newsie.social/tags/art?utm_content=buffere53bf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bufferapp.com&utm_campaign=buffer] #MastoArt [https://newsie.social/tags/MastoArt?utm_content=buffera7784&utm_medium=social&utm_source=bufferapp.com&utm_campaign=buffer]
#MastodonArt [https://newsie.social/tags/MastodonArt] #ActivistArt
#photography #art #mastoart #mastodonart #activistart
You all have good taste! Popular on my website this week: "Fascist"
© Photo by Chris Boese
#photography #art #mastoart #mastodonart #activistart
Protest sign from the 2017 Women's March in Washington, D.C., says "Keep your Tiny Hands Off Our Rights,"
“Keep your tiny hands off our rights”: https://www.chrisboese.photo/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/chris-boese-tiny-hands.
#activistart #art #photography #mastoart #mastodonart
What do we think about this one? 👀
Protesters at the Washington, D.C. Women's March in 2020 decry gun violence while holding signs saying "We are the Granddaughters of the Witches You Weren't Able to Burn," and "Not Enough Sage in the World", as a Trump Baby Balloon bobs in the distance.
© Photo by Chris Boese
#Trump #indictment #protests #Photography #Art #ActivistArt #MastoArt #MastodonArt #feminist #EndGunViolence #WomensMarch
#trump #indictment #protests #photography #art #activistart #mastoart #mastodonart #feminist #endgunviolence #WomensMarch
What do we think about this one? 👀
© Photo by Chris Boese
#ourbloodisboiling #boesegalleries #artforyourwalls #instaart #fineart #protest #WomensMarch #Trump #misogyny #Photography #ActivistArt #MastoArt #MastodonArt
#ourbloodisboiling #boesegalleries #artforyourwalls #instaart #fineart #protest #WomensMarch #trump #misogyny #photography #activistart #mastoart #mastodonart
Happy #CanadaDay to my Canadian followers and collectors!
© Photo by Chris Boese
#Photography #Art #MastoArt #MastodonArt #ActivistArt #immigration #Canada
#canadaday #photography #art #mastoart #mastodonart #activistart #immigration #canada
For #Juneteeth! "Art collecting is a lifelong passion that transcends trends and time."
Whether you're just starting an art collection, or considering adding my work to it, please get in touch should you need a personal recommendation on image selection, sizing, or media type.
© Photo by Chris Boese
#protest #resistance #resist #march, #defiance #black_lives_matter #blm #discrimination#trump #protesters #unamerican #photography #art #mastoart #ActivistArt
#juneteeth #protest #resistance #resist #march #defiance #black_lives_matter #BLM #discrimination #protesters #unamerican #photography #art #mastoart #activistart
A fleeting moment, captured for eternity.
Women protest for their power over the media-broadcast misogyny of Donald Trump with Pussy Hats and a sign that says, "Old Pussies Rise Up and Resist"
© Photo by Chris Boese
#Trump #indictment #protests #Photography #Art #ActivistArt #MastoArt #MastodonArt #feminist #EndGunViolence #riseupandresist #boesegalleries #art #artwork #artcollector #artworld
#trump #indictment #protests #photography #art #activistart #mastoart #mastodonart #feminist #endgunviolence #riseupandresist #boesegalleries #artwork #artcollector #artworld
A fleeting moment, captured for eternity.
Protesters at a Washington, D.C. Women's March seek to "End Gun Violence," telling President Trump, "We are the Granddaughters of the Witches You Weren't Able to Burn," and "Not Enough Sage in the World"
Find it here: https://www.chrisboese.photo/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/not-enough-sage-in-the-world
© Photo by Chris Boese
#Trump #indictment #protests #Photography #Art #ActivistArt #MastoArt #MastodonArt #feminist #EndGunViolence
#trump #indictment #protests #photography #art #activistart #mastoart #mastodonart #feminist #endgunviolence
Happy #TrumpIndictment! This is “Fascist”.
New York City protest against President Trump's cruel immigration policies, calling out Trump as a "Fascist."
© Photo by Chris Boese
Available options: https://www.chrisboese.photo/warehouse-open-edition-prints/art_print_products/fascist
#trumpindictment #photography #art #mastoart #protest #activistart
#gaia #roots added & enhanced. #ArtInDevelopment #InProgress #environmentalArt #ActivistArt #environmentalist #ClimateFighters #EcoWarriors 👊🌲🐸🐝🌍✌
#gaia #roots #artindevelopment #inprogress #environmentalart #activistart #environmentalist #climatefighters #ecowarriors
DEFIANCE!" oil on canvas, 50x50cm
This portrait represents the strength, urgency, and heartache of the climate justice movement. A young activist stands steadfast amidst a world on the brink. Her face radiates defiance, her dignity undiminished as she fights for a future that seems to be slipping away.
The vibrant oranges in the background, laced with haunting hints of red and blue, evoke a world on fire, reflecting the climate crisis we face. The figures and crumbling buildings at the bottom of the painting whisper a stark warning - we must act now, or face the consequences.
Just like Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', she wears a blue scarf - a symbol of hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. She is a beacon of resilience in the face of adversity, a symbol of the global south bearing the brunt of a crisis they did little to cause.
This is a call to action, a wake-up call to the world. We must defy apathy, defy dismissal, defy destruction. Together, we can turn the tide.
Join the movement. Share the message.
#OilPainting #ContemporaryArt #ArtOfTheDay #ActivistArt #SocialJusticeArt #PortraitArt #ClimateChangeArt #EcoArt #SustainabilityArt #ArtForGood #ArtForImpact #PaintForPurpose #VisualArt #EmergingArtist #AIInArt #ArtAndAI #ArtificialIntelligenceArt #GenerativeArt #Midjourney
#oilpainting #contemporaryart #artoftheday #activistart #socialjusticeart #portraitart #climatechangeart #ecoart #sustainabilityart #artforgood #artforimpact #paintforpurpose #visualart #emergingartist #aiinart #artandai #artificialintelligenceart #generativeart #midjourney
climate crisis is hot
too hot
open the window
oh no it's too smoky out there
everything's on fire
Michelle Teran: Life: A User's Manual, 2003-2005. Several realizations with participants in different cities. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sammeltipps 1: Stadterfahrung mit ortssensitiven Medien, Teil 1. In: IASLonline Lessons/Lektionen in NetArt. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/TippSammel1.html #MichelleTeran #thomasdreher #surveillancecamera #videoscanner #VideoSurveillance #activism #activismart #videoproject #videoactivism #activistart #activistartist #activistartists #videomapping #mappingvideo
#mappingvideo #videomapping #activistartists #activistartist #activistart #videoactivism #videoproject #activismart #activism #videosurveillance #videoscanner #SurveillanceCamera #thomasdreher #michelleteran
Michelle Teran: Life: A User's Manual, 2003-2005. Several realizations with participants in different cities. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Sammeltipps 1: Stadterfahrung mit ortssensitiven Medien, Teil 1. In: IASLonline Lessons/Lektionen in NetArt. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/TippSammel1.html #MichelleTeran #thomasdreher #surveillancecamera #videoscanner #VideoSurveillance #activism #activismart #videoproject #videoactivism #activistart #activistartist #activistartists #videomapping #mappingvideo
#mappingvideo #videomapping #activistartists #activistartist #activistart #videoactivism #videoproject #activismart #activism #videosurveillance #videoscanner #SurveillanceCamera #thomasdreher #michelleteran
Raphael Montanez Ortiz/The Guerilla Art and Action Group: Demonstration in front of the Museum of Modern Art against the exclusion of "black and Puerto Rican art" from the collection and exhibition program, New York, May 2, 1970. Photos: Jan Van Raay. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Ralph Montanez Ortiz. Destruktionskunst, chapter Physio-Psycho-Alchemy. Internet: https://dreher.netzliteratur.net/2_Performance_Ortiz_Text.html #ralphmontañezortiz #activistart #politicalart #performanceart
#performanceart #politicalart #activistart #ralphmontanezortiz