Activist investors are worse than hedge funds. They are the real leaches of the financial world #activistinvestor #HedgeFund
If an #ActivistInvestor like TCI Fund Management demanded that the company spin out the business, they'd be lionized for their aggressive business tactics. It's only when regulators propose breaking up a sprawling and unweildy conglomerate like Google that we're told that such a thing is impossible:
A Passion for Exposing Frauds Drives #Hindenburg Founder
*Early on, he spent hours looking into potential Ponzi schemes and occasionally teamed up with forensic accountant Harry Markopolos, who famously tried to warn federal authorities about Bernard Madoff. Anderson has calledĀ MarkopolosĀ a role model.*
Hindenburg vs Adani: The Short Seller Taking on Asia's Richest Person
#hindenburg #shortsellers #activistinvestor
#activistinvestor meet the #activistfounder
#activistinvestor #activistfounder