Výsledek dnešního pracovního pobíhání s kamerou po Poděbradech v rámci Dnů Evropského dědictví. 🚶♂️
Kéž by můj každý pracovní den byl aktivní jako tento a ještě jsem se proletěl v balónu.
#podebrady #europeanheritagedays
#work #walking #activity #fitness
#podebrady #europeanheritagedays #work #walking #activity #fitness
【MIR 的日常角度】🎒旅遊歷🎒湯之平展望所(Yunohira Observatory) https://www.alojapan.com/924033/%e3%80%90mir-%e7%9a%84%e6%97%a5%e5%b8%b8%e8%a7%92%e5%ba%a6%e3%80%91%f0%9f%8e%92%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e6%ad%b7%f0%9f%8e%92%e6%b9%af%e4%b9%8b%e5%b9%b3%e5%b1%95%e6%9c%9b%e6%89%80%ef%bc%88yunohira-observator/
#2023 #activity #attractions #hongkong #Japan #Kagoshima #Kagoshimadestinations #Kagoshimatour #Kagoshimatravel #Kagoshimatrip #Kagoshimavacation #Kyushu #MIRsDailyAngle #MIR的日常角度 #record #relax #travel #trip #viewing #YunohiraObservatory #九州 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #湯之平展望所 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #香港 #鹿児島
#activity #attractions #hongkong #japan #kagoshima #kagoshimadestinations #kagoshimatour #kagoshimatravel #kagoshimatrip #kagoshimavacation #kyushu #mirsdailyangle #mir的日常角度 #record #relax #travel #trip #viewing #yunohiraobservatory #九州 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #湯之平展望所 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #香港 #鹿児島
“Where Are The Children???” – Maui Residents Demand Answers!
The disastrous fire that swept across western Maui in August has been compounded by the disastrous response from local, state and federal officials. In recent town hall-type meetings, residents have lit into officials, demanding to know why relief efforts have been so slow, why alarms didn’t sound as they should have and whether a land grab will soon be underway intended to displace long time residents.
Suspicious activity throughout the disaster is covered.
#Maui #wildfire #suspicious #activity #missing #children #landgrab #indigenous #anger
#maui #wildfire #suspicious #activity #missing #children #landgrab #indigenous #anger
Indie Basement: Best Songs & Albums of August 2023 #2023_08_31 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #a_savage #activity #adrian_sherwood #bills_indie_basement #blur #connie_lovatt
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/indie-basement-best-songs-albums-of-august-2023/
#2023_08_31 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #a_savage #activity #adrian_sherwood #bills_indie_basement #blur #connie_lovatt
''The latest #surveillance data showed the local seasonal #influenza #activity has continued to increase and exceeded the seasonal #epidemic threshold, indicating that Hong Kong has entered summer influenza season.''
#surveillance #influenza #activity #epidemic
''The latest #surveillance #data showed that the local #COVID19 #activity is comparable to the preceding week.''
#surveillance #data #COVID19 #activity
I Saw His Eyes • Activity
🔗 https://song.link/fr/i/1683569695
#NowPlaying #Musique #Activity
#nowplaying #musique #activity
#COVID19 #activity in #Canada showing early signs that it may be increasing: data https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/covid-19-activity-in-canada-showing-early-signs-that-it-may-be-increasing-data-1.6520187 #sarbecovirus #sars_cov_2 #pandemic #surveillance #betacoronavirus
#COVID19 #activity #canada #sarbecovirus #SARS_COV_2 #pandemic #surveillance #betacoronavirus
3 reasons why Ethereum price is still pinned below $1,900 - PayPal’s stablecoin announcement and a handful of Ether ETF appli... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/3-reasons-why-ethereum-price-is-still-pinned-below-1900 #activity #markets #futures #scaling #fees #tvl
#TVL #fees #scaling #futures #markets #activity
Global News BC: Lladner Creek wildfire near Sparwood, B.C. grows to 820 hectares https://globalnews.ca/news/9880531/lladner-creek-wildfire-grows/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #PrescribedBurns #BCwildfires #Wildfires #Activity #hectares #Sparwood #Wildfire #Lladner #Blaze #creek #Fire #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #prescribedburns #BCwildfires #wildfires #activity #hectares #sparwood #Wildfire #lladner #blaze #creek #fire #BC
Our Favorite Songs of the Week (Playlist) #2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #crosses #aap_ferg #activity #armand_hammer #bambii #body_void
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/our-favorite-songs-of-the-week-playlist-123/
#2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #crosses #aap_ferg #activity #armand_hammer #bambii #body_void
Tour news: Dan Deacon, That Mexican OT, Shabazz Palaces, The Alarm, Fred Mascherino, Activity, more #2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #heavy_metal_news #hip_hop_news #music_news #tour_dates #activity #dan_deacon #fred_mascherino
#2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #heavy_metal_news #hip_hop_news #music_news #tour_dates #activity #dan_deacon #fred_mascherino
Indie Basement (8/4): the week in classic indie, college rock, and more #2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #activity #activity_spirit_in_the_room #activity_spirit_in_the_room #alexis_taylor #annie_hart #annie_hart_the_weight_of_a_wave
#2023_08_04 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #activity #activity_spirit_in_the_room #alexis_taylor #annie_hart #annie_hart_the_weight_of_a_wave
【MIR 的日常角度】🎒旅遊歷🎒高原町龍貓公車亭(高原町のトトロ / Tonari no Totoro Bus Stop) https://www.alojapan.com/883886/%e3%80%90mir-%e7%9a%84%e6%97%a5%e5%b8%b8%e8%a7%92%e5%ba%a6%e3%80%91%f0%9f%8e%92%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e6%ad%b7%f0%9f%8e%92%e9%ab%98%e5%8e%9f%e7%94%ba%e9%be%8d%e8%b2%93%e5%85%ac%e8%bb%8a%e4%ba%ad%ef%bc%88/
#2023 #activity #attractions #busstop #hongkong #Japan #Kagoshima #Kagoshimadestinations #Kagoshimatour #Kagoshimatravel #Kagoshimatrip #Kagoshimavacation #Kyushu #MIRsDailyAngle #MIR的日常角度 #record #relax #Takaharu-cho #totoro #travel #trip #viewing #トトロ #九州 #公車亭 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #香港 #高原町 #鹿児島 #龍貓
#activity #attractions #busstop #hongkong #japan #kagoshima #kagoshimadestinations #kagoshimatour #kagoshimatravel #kagoshimatrip #kagoshimavacation #kyushu #mirsdailyangle #mir的日常角度 #record #relax #takaharu #totoro #travel #trip #viewing #トトロ #九州 #公車亭 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #香港 #高原町 #鹿児島 #龍貓
#Human #activity can be a factor in allowing #sympatry of similar #species. Case-in-point, giant and neotropical otters in the #Amazon.
In this new study, Norris and Michalski (2023) observed that #giant #otters tended to avoid human activity while #neotropical otters did not.
OA 🔗 https://peerj.com/articles/15742/
We #influence our #ecosystems in many ways. While not always and inevitably detrimental, we need to be aware of our #impacts.
#human #activity #sympatry #species #Amazon #Giant #otters #neotropical #influence #ecosystems #impacts #conservation
【MIR 的日常角度】🎒旅遊歷🎒霧島神宮(Kirishima Shrine) https://www.alojapan.com/877262/%e3%80%90mir-%e7%9a%84%e6%97%a5%e5%b8%b8%e8%a7%92%e5%ba%a6%e3%80%91%f0%9f%8e%92%e6%97%85%e9%81%8a%e6%ad%b7%f0%9f%8e%92%e9%9c%a7%e5%b3%b6%e7%a5%9e%e5%ae%ae%ef%bc%88kirishima-shrine%ef%bc%89/
#2023 #activity #attractions #hongkong #Japan #Kagoshima #Kagoshimadestinations #Kagoshimatour #Kagoshimatravel #Kagoshimatrip #Kagoshimavacation #KirishimaShrine #Kyushu #MIRsDailyAngle #MIR的日常角度 #record #relax #travel #trip #viewing #九州 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #霧島神宮 #香港 #鹿児島
#activity #attractions #hongkong #japan #kagoshima #kagoshimadestinations #kagoshimatour #kagoshimatravel #kagoshimatrip #kagoshimavacation #kirishimashrine #kyushu #mirsdailyangle #mir的日常角度 #record #relax #travel #trip #viewing #九州 #放鬆 #旅遊 #日本 #景點 #活動 #粵語 #觀賞 #記錄 #霧島神宮 #香港 #鹿児島
What's Going on Sunday? #2023_07_16 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #activity #alexis_curshe #austin_millz #ayanna_heaven #ben_hixon
#2023_07_16 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #activity #alexis_curshe #austin_millz #ayanna_heaven #ben_hixon
Our favorite songs of the week (playlist) #2023_07_14 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #a_savage #activity #adrian_sherwood #alaska_reid #allegra_krieger #andrew_hung
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/our-favorite-songs-of-the-week-playlist-120/
#2023_07_14 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #a_savage #activity #adrian_sherwood #alaska_reid #allegra_krieger #andrew_hung
I like to use the qualifier, I intend too, that way it's not technically lying 😆
@humour @bookstodon @bookstadon @bookbubble @books
#Reading #Readers
#LyingTo #Books #IsA #Fun #Activity #ForTheWhole #Family
#ReadingCommunity #Bookwyrm #Bookstodon #BookLove #Books #BoostingIsSharing
#reading #readers #lyingto #books #isa #fun #activity #forthewhole #family #readingcommunity #bookwyrm #bookstodon #booklove #boostingissharing
In a new study with almost 1500 adults above the age of 60, it has been found that in general physical activity is linked to a better quality of life. Physical activity - such as brisk walking, gardening, cycling, and dancing - of at least 150 minutes a week is linked to a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer as well as a better mental well being. See http://www.neat-news.com/2023/07/186.php. #activity #quality_of_life #well_being
#activity #quality_of_life #well_being