You definitely won't find this in the rust book. #rustlang #coding #actix
Learn more about Kraken's migration to #rustlang microservices and the recent updates in Rust’s web development ecosystem. 🦀
➡️ Watch the interview with Kraken’s Senior Rust Engineer and #actix maintainer Rob Ede and Mainmatter’s Founder @marcoow:
If anyone out there is using both #actixweb and #htmx (there must be dozens of us!) then I’ve just released the first version of a crate that might be useful to you: Feedback & pull requests welcome at #rustlang #actix
#actixweb #htmx #rustlang #actix
Is there any existing #rustlang crate that validate requests against an #OpenApi specification?
I know I could generate the spec with the code, but I like to write my specification all by myself (don't wanna be 🎶 ) and then I want to verify that my incoming requests matches the specification
#rustlang #openapi #actix #api #rest
Setting and Reading Session Cookies in Rust with Actix Web
#actix #actixweb #Rust #webdev
Coming from /Elixir/, I am wondering if /actix/ has something similar to supervision trees? The best I could find is `actix::Supervisor` which just manages one actor. Although I concede this might be tricky with the type system.
I just feel naked without some safety controls.
Supervision Tree:
By far the most read tutorial I’ve written
#rustlang #async #webserver #actix
"GET /order/order/?page=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 77982
requests from the front-end are working, the JWT auth and tenant middleware both are working as they should :)
@haskman Please drop a link to the repo if you're sharing the source. I'm in a similar boat. I was most recently messing around with #yew and #actix but am interested in getting my hands dirty with something #TUI based. I agree with @arialdo that making a tui git client in would be challenging.
Some tools I'm currently using include #dust (Apache 2.0) and #fclones (MIT).
#yew #actix #tui #dust #fclones
I evaluated #RustLang webserver/websocket frameworks #actix-web, #axum, and #warp as possible contenders for reimplementing #Cockpit's web server.
The biggest contribution of that article is how to write a #unit-test for a #websocket route with #actix-web. There was *zero* prior art for this on the interwebs.
#rustlang #actix #Axum #warp #cockpit #unit #websocket
Playing around with #rust web frameworks last weekend. Personally, finding many to be a little too opinionated or eccentric(right word?).
I kinda clicked with #Actix in the way it treats routing as such. Maybe it's the closet seeming to Rust-like syntax.
I dunno... change my mind?
So I'm going through zero2prod rust book.
And doing each code block in both actix-web and axum at the same time.
I have to say that I'm having a blast with axum, even though the book's codes are for actix-web.
Axum seems to be trying extremely hard to get out of the way, and rely much more on the ecosystem, rather than trying to have a full framework with all the custom pieces and custom batteries included in the packaging.
#rust #rustlang #actix #Axum #Zero2Prod
المتوقع من هذا الكود هو إنشاء ثلاث خدمات، الخدمة الاولى في scope ال api وهي خاصة لل endpoints التي تطلب التوكن، بحيث يكون المفتاح الخاص بال ratelimit هو التوكن، والخدمة الثانية هي ايضآ في scope ال api لكنها خاصة بال endpoints التي لاتتطلب توكن لتعمل، بحيث يكون مفتاح ال ratelimit هو ال IP الخاص بالمرسل، والخدمة الثالثة نفس الثانية لكنها في scope ال docs.
ولكنها لاتعمل هكذا لسبب غير معروف حاليآ، سوف احاول حلها وبضمن الحل تحت، اطأر العمل
فكرة جميلة لعمل JWT يمكن تعطيله، وهي عند انشاء الحساب يتم اضافة تاريخ انشاء التوكن في قاعدة البيانات، وبعد ذالك يتم وضعه في ال JWT، وعندما يقوم المستخدم بعمل revoke يتم تعديل التاريخ فقط. طبعآ عند تسجيل المستخدم يجب التاكد من ان التاريخ الي في ال JWT هو الي في قاعدة البيانات
فكرة جميلة لعمل JWT يمكن تعطيله، وهي عند انشاء الحساب يتم اضافة تاريخ انشاء التوكن في قاعدة البيانات، وبعد ذالك يتم وضعه في ال JWT، وعندما يقوم المستخدم بعمل revoke يتم تعديل التاريخ فقط. طبعآ عند تسجيل المستخدم يجب التاكد من ان التاريخ الي في ال JWT هو الي في قاعدة البيانات