webbureaucrat · @webbureaucrat
73 followers · 582 posts · Server floss.social

Anybody want to help with with a environment variable puzzle?

#Rust #actixweb #rustlang #stackoverflow

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Lewis · @welshdave
77 followers · 68 posts · Server toot.wales

If anyone out there is using both and (there must be dozens of us!) then I’ve just released the first version of a crate that might be useful to you: crates.io/crates/actix-htmx. Feedback & pull requests welcome at github.com/welshdave/actix-htm

#actixweb #htmx #rustlang #actix

Last updated 1 year ago

:arch: dedSyn4ps3 :nixos: · @dedsyn4ps3
25 followers · 224 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@stvm is extremely flexible and easy to get started with, so I definitely recommend checking out their getting started docs!

Using with is an ultra fast and powerful backend to be sure! However, if your web app doesn't require squeezing every single bit of performance out of your device, I HIGHLY recommend using a backend! @golang is extremely performant language and simple to learn. It would serve a React page w/ ease! 😎 :golang: :react: 🤘

#reactjs #rustlang #actixweb #golang

Last updated 1 year ago

Sijmen · @vijf
29 followers · 452 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Using actix-web for a personal project (a personal finances/budgeting program), it's a lot nicer than I remember

#rustlang #actixweb

Last updated 1 year ago

webbureaucrat · @webbureaucrat
70 followers · 531 posts · Server floss.social
0xC0DEC0DE07E7 · @c0dec0dec0de
176 followers · 1570 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Is there an accepted pattern for replacing your database pool in an application? As in, the system is rotating the database password, updates the file handle it’s passed through to the application, and then my application should reconnect using the new credentials and drop the old connection.

#actixweb #rustlang #rust #sqlx #programmingpatterns

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaan Barmore-Genç · @kaan
128 followers · 78 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Just released a small update to my crate for serving files embedded into your server: crates.io/crates/actix-web-rus

Actix-Web's latest release added support for Cow message bodies in responses, which allows my crate to avoid an unnecessary clone on each request. That gives a 10x or more performance improvement depending on the file size!

(This also makes my fork of rust-embed a lot less necessary, but oh well, I'll be glad if I don't have to maintain my own fork)

#actixweb #rust #rustlang #webdev

Last updated 2 years ago

Cetra · @cetra3
97 followers · 88 posts · Server mastodon.social

I've just open sourced a labour of love on weekends and spare time for the past year or so:


Live site here: divedb.net/

Using , & for the backend and for the frontend

#rust #actixweb #postgresql #sveltekit

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Pitt · @martinpitt
46 followers · 21 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@realaravinth Thanks for the suggestion! That works fine indeed, this incely factorizes the App::new() creation: piware.de/gitweb/?p=learn-rust

#rust #actixweb #testing

Last updated 2 years ago

Kaan Barmore-Genç · @kaan
108 followers · 43 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Just released another crate: crates.io/crates/actix-web-rus

If you are building a web app with , you can use rust-embed to embed your assets into your server executable. Then my crate helps you serve these embedded assets!

ETag & Last Modified headers, cache revalidation with `If-None-Match`, compression... all of that is handled out of the box for you!

As an added bonus, I have a fork of rust-embed which speeds up serving embedded files by 20% or more:

#rust #actixweb

Last updated 2 years ago

-Social --> A work-in-progress FOSS (-lang) app to bring more Facebook-like features to the .


` The Rant

First off... I am NOT going to start tooting about this project ALL the time. Not until it hits certain milestones anyways. Mostly cause I no longer have the time nor -patience- to do it. If folks wanna find it they will. If they want to HELP, they will.


It's about time I started making some decisions, one of those is that I need be more PROACTIVE on my own.

What that means is that I am trying to actively learn Rust. Although this -entire- week has basically told me to fuck off and do something else. <the end>

Having watched a couple of Youtube videos from a seemingly talented I would like to use for the . It seems like that nice blend of Rust built into an HTML framework that I am willing to compromise on. This would be instead of RucTE, Terra, Handlebars etc.

/ , and are still in play for the backend, and DB stuff as there's no good reason to change. And both of those play well with YEW as far as I am aware.

I wont say "stay tuned for updates" because I HONESTLY have no idea when that will ever happen.

BUT... IF you are a Rust dev, Noob Dev, or any kind of dev open to learning about the project... hit me up!

We're SO CLOSE to having a demosite going... I just dont know enough about how to tie the existing backend to the UI I started building... and its killing me.

#diesel #actixweb #actix #frontend #YEW #rustdev #fediverse #rust #aardwolf

Last updated 2 years ago