"The Bombing of Nord Stream — This Act of War Against Europe Requires Congressional Investigation: Dennis Kucinich"
#nordstream #joebiden #actofwar #europe #eu #investigation
#ACTOFWAR: The U.S. military blew up #NordStream pipelines, plunging western allies into #energycollapse in effort to harm Russia
#EnergyCollapse #nordstream #actofwar
Situation Update, Feb 9, 2023 - #ACTOFWAR CONFIRMED: The U.S. military blew up #Nordstream, plunging ALLIES into #energycollapse
#EnergyCollapse #nordstream #actofwar
White Balloon
#TarotReading #EntertainmentOnly #ChinaSpyBalloon #TrojanHorse #ChinaPartners #Russia #Iraq #Trump #IllegalActionByChina #GatheringInfo #ColdWar #NATO #CIA #FBI #CrimeRing #MilitaryTargets #ActOfWar #Peace
#TarotReading #entertainmentonly #chinaspyballoon #trojanhorse #chinapartners #russia #iraq #trump #illegalactionbychina #gatheringinfo #coldwar #NATO #cia #fbi #crimering #militarytargets #actofwar #peace
Right now the #Twitter thing is bothering me for a number of reasons:
🔥Small business being destroyed
💥Activist networks being decimated
💀Foreign nationals able to destroy American businesses
💣 Folks losing their jobs right before the holidays
🔥Coordinated effort to lower tech salaries amongst billionaires by laying off at the same time
💥Ways for the powerless to fight the powerful stripped away.
#SpaceKaren #ActOfWar #SenateInvestigation #twittermigration
#twitter #spacekaren #actofwar #senateinvestigation #twittermigration
Really hoping the #Senate opens an investigation into #ApartheidClyde and the rest of #Hydra.
#Twitter being decimated was clearly done to disrupt journalism, activism, and communication across the world.
#JackDorsey should be ashamed of himself.
#senate #apartheidclyde #hydra #twitter #jackdorsey #actofwar #elon #eloff
📣 New Podcast! "Episode 1166 - Nashville Explosion, An Act of War?" on @Spreaker #actofwar #civilwar2 #demoniacresistance #falseflagattacks #fbi #nashville #nashvillebombing #nullification2020 #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #tennesse https://www.spreaker.com/episode/42664817
#actofwar #civilwar2 #DemoniacResistance #falseflagattacks #fbi #nashville #nashvillebombing #Nullification2020 #nullification2021 #politicalcorruption #tennesse