Imagine an annotated bibliography of #ActorNetworkTheory scholarship. Useful? Impossible? Meaningless? Divisive? All may be true, but when asked, I decided to try to put something together. Managed to fit in around 170 references.
For those with access, the official version is actually quite neat with links and easy reference export:
For all others, here's a pdf:
Although Bruno Latour's theories have had contradictory interpretations, he is a source of very interesting ideas and tools for understanding the world and acting politically in it (even if we do not agree with all his ideas). A highly recommended book is "War of the Worlds: What about Peace?" (2002). Available on BL's website:
"The common world we took
for granted must instead be progressively composed, it is not already constituted. The common world is not behind us and ready made, like nature, but ahead of us, an immense task which we will need to accomplish one step at a time. It is not above us, like the arbiter who mediates conflicts, it is what is at stake in these conflicts, what could become the subject of compromise—should negotiation take place. The common world is now up for grabs".
#BrunoLatour #Libraries #ActorNetworkTheory
#brunolatour #libraries #actornetworktheory
OnlineFirst - "The assemblages of (counter) spectacle – mega-retail in post-dictatorship Chile and beyond" by Jacob C Miller:
#spectacle #counterspectacle #actornetworktheory #assemblage #architecture #Chile #chiloe
#spectacle #counterspectacle #actornetworktheory #assemblage #architecture #chile #chiloe
Teaching / talking Premee Mohamed’s The Annual Migration of Clouds
#climate crisis
#Indigenous scientific knowledge AND #Latour #actornetworktheory
#clifi #climatechange #actornetworktheory #climate #hopepunk #speculativefiction #indigenous #latour
Teaching / talking Premee Mohamed’s The Annual Migration of Clouds
#climate crisis
#Indigenous scientific knowledge AND #Latour #actornetworktheory
#clifi #climatechange #actornetworktheory #climate #hopepunk #speculativefiction #indigenous #latour
Teaching / talking Premee Mohamed’s The Annual Migration of Clouds
#indigenous scientific knowledge
AND #Latour #ActorNetworkTheory
#actornetworktheory #clifi #climatechange #climatecrisis #hopepunk #speculativefiction #indigenous #latour
Thoughts on good old #ActornetworkTheory (#ANT), anyone?
I found it to be a useful conceptual tool as it helped me to understand some of the limits of #technology
Fun reading:,_or_the_Love_of_Technology
#technology #ant #actornetworktheory