In 1944 the Oscars were held at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, and next month the short film Labor+Justice will premiere at the same location! It’s a wonderful film written and directed by Sarah Joy Byington, and I’m proud to be among the wonderful cast.
Consider donating to the production’s finishing fund at this link:
The screening will be at the HollyShorts Film Festival, making it eligible for an Oscar nomination!
#filmactor #actorsofmastodon #oscars #shortfilm
A film in which I have a bit part, Labor+Justice, is headed to Hollywood at the HollyShorts Film Festival! (That’s me in the foreground.)
It’s a wonderful short with dark, biting humor and a dark, sad, but all-to-timely story. I’m very proud to have been a part of it.
Written and directed by Sarah Joy Byington.
#HollyShorts #ShortFilm #film #FilmActor #ActorsOfMastodon #LaborPlusJustice #ScreenActor
#hollyshorts #shortfilm #film #filmactor #actorsofmastodon #laborplusjustice #screenactor
Though not a SAG-AFTRA member, I support their members and I won’t cross their picket line. If, like me, you intend to become a member, note well the following in the strike notice: “NOTICE TO NON-MEMBERS: Any non-member seeking future membership in SAG-AFTRA who performs covered services for a struck company during the strike will not be admitted into membership in SAG-AFTRA.”
#SAGaftra #1u #UnionStrong #ActorsOfMastodon #strike #ActorsLife
#sagaftra #1u #unionstrong #actorsofmastodon #strike #actorslife
@drskyskull And your actors!
#SAGaftra #1u #UnionStrong #ActorsOfMastodon #TVactor #FilmActor #ScreenActor #ScreenActorsGuild #strike
#sagaftra #1u #unionstrong #actorsofmastodon #tvactor #filmactor #screenactor #screenactorsguild #strike
Despite rumors to the contrary, a SAG-AFTRA strike is still looming.
From the SAG-AFTRA website: “We will not be manipulated by this cynical ploy to engineer an extension when the companies have had more than enough time to make a fair deal.”
Gizmodo article: “ SAG-AFTRA Agrees to Federal Mediation, But Not to an Extension”
#SAGaftra #1u #UnionStrong #ActorsOfMastodon #TVactor #FilmActor #ScreenActor #ScreenActorsGuild #Gizmodo
#sagaftra #1u #unionstrong #actorsofmastodon #tvactor #filmactor #screenactor #screenactorsguild #gizmodo
From DEADLINE: “As talks between SAG-AFTRA and the AMPTP continue this week, actors are getting a head start on picket planning should negotiations end in a stalemate at midnight on July 12 and lead to a double strike alongside the Writers Guild.”
#SAGaftra #actor #ScreenActor #TVactor #FilmActor #ActorsOfMastodon #1u #USactor #UnionStrong #AMPTP
#sagaftra #actor #screenactor #tvactor #filmactor #actorsofmastodon #1u #usactor #unionstrong #amptp
At the gym before closing:
“15 minutes, everyone!”
Me: “Thank you, 15!”
#ActorsLife #awkward #TXactor #ATXactor #ActorsOfMastodon #theatre #StageActor
#actorslife #awkward #txactor #atxactor #actorsofmastodon #theatre #stageactor
Deaf, American-English-Speaking Female 16–22
Des Hamilton Casting (London) is currently casting the lead role of a film about the historical figure Mabel Gardiner Hubbard. Mabel can lip-read and speak American English with confidence.
#deaf #lipreading #ASL #casting #FilmCasting #ScreenCasting #ScreenActor #FilmActor #TVactor #ActorsOfMastodon
#deaf #lipreading #asl #casting #filmcasting #screencasting #screenactor #filmactor #tvactor #actorsofmastodon
My first man bun! (For a spec commercial shoot.)
#ActorsLife #TXactor #ATXactor #ActorsOfMastodon
#actorslife #txactor #atxactor #actorsofmastodon
Opportunity for triple-threats* local to Austin to audition this Monday or Tuesday (June 26,27) for a Todrick Hall musical. PAID. Submit P&R to
#audition #OpenAudition #TripleThreat #singer #dancer #actor #ATX #ActorsOfMastodon #SingersOfMastodon #DancersOfMastodon #MusicalTheatre #MusicalTheater #theatre #theater #TXactor #ATXactor
#audition #openaudition #triplethreat #singer #dancer #actor #atx #actorsofmastodon #singersofmastodon #dancersofmastodon #musicaltheatre #musicaltheater #theatre #theater #txactor #atxactor
Opportunity for triple-threats* local to Austin to audition this Monday or Tuesday (June 26,27) for a Todrick Hall musical. PAID. Submit P&R to
#audition #OpenAudition #TripleThreat #singer #dancer #actor #ATX #ActorsOfMastodon #SingersOfMastodon #DancersOfMastodon #MusicalTheatre #MusicalTheater #theatre #theater #TXactor #ATXactor
#audition #openaudition #triplethreat #singer #dancer #actor #atx #actorsofmastodon #singersofmastodon #dancersofmastodon #musicaltheatre #musicaltheater #theatre #theater #txactor #atxactor
I’m addicted and gaga over The Diplomat w/ Keri Russell and I just now did a double-take when Russel’s character runs into an old friend played by actor that’s on Mastodon, Catherine Russell (@CatherineRussell2)! (No relation?) Catherine Russell plays Jill Klein, but I’m not sure who that is, yet...
At bedtime, I’m going to listen to The New Quiz, produced by Catherine Russell’s son, Sam Holmes. A double header!
#actorsofmastodon #thediplomat #thenewquiz #bbcradio4
To me, working for free with students is an important part of being a professional actor.
#ActorsLife #ScreenActor #FilmActor #StudentFilm #TXactor #ATXactor #ActorsOfMastodon #ThatsAwrap
#actorslife #screenactor #filmactor #studentfilm #txactor #atxactor #actorsofmastodon #thatsawrap
@CatherineRussell2 My offer’s still open: If you move to, I will personally guarantee to make it work satisfactorily for you there.
From the “About” page (
“Actors’ Social Network’s primary focus is on encouraging and supporting actors, worldwide. This includes stage, voice, film, and TV actors, both professional and amateur. Anyone may join.”
#ActorsOfMastodon #ActorsLife #TVactor #FilmActor #StageActor #actor #actriz #Mastodon #MastoAdmin
#actorslife #tvactor #filmactor #actor #actriz #actorsofmastodon #mastodon #mastoadmin #stageactor
My voice sounds bad in my tiny apartment...
It’s a little flat.
How do you instantly turn someone into a professional #voiceactor?
Tell them they have a nice voice.
What do you get when you set a voice actor on fire?
Vocal fry.
#HootinTootinTuesday #VoiceActing #Voiceover #VO #Voicovers #StarWars #RecordingStudio #Soundboard #Puns #Humor #Jokestodon #ActorsOfMastodon
#voiceactor #hootintootintuesday #voiceacting #voiceover #vo #voicovers #StarWars #recordingstudio #soundboard #puns #Humor #jokestodon #actorsofmastodon
One annoying thing about my IMDb listing is that it shows my name as “Daniel Norton (II)” with a roman numeral after it because there’s already another “Daniel Norton” there.
But it could have been worse.
#ActorsLife #ActorsOfMastodon #actor #ScreenActor #TVactor #FilmActor
#actorslife #actorsofmastodon #actor #screenactor #tvactor #filmactor
Got the callback!
#SAGAFTRA #ActorsLife #ATXactor #ActorsOfMastodon #SelfTape #audition #callback #TXactor #TexasActors
#sagaftra #actorslife #atxactor #actorsofmastodon #selftape #audition #callback #txactor #texasactors
😆 Yep.
I had a commercial callback via Zoom yesterday where the director was only a voice, as if speaking from the firmament.
Audition self-tape note for this character listening to jazz is that he “looks like a jazz head.”
#ActorsLife #theatre #actor #ActorsOfMastodon #ActorsOfInstagram #weed #jazz #jazzmusic #TheloniousMonk #JohnColtrane
#actorslife #theatre #actor #actorsofmastodon #actorsofinstagram #weed #jazz #jazzmusic #theloniousmonk #johncoltrane