@w Thank you for alerting me I was going to buy that remake eventually since I really loved the original #Actraiser
Fillmore (Actraiser Orchestral Cover) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXHOGEOM1oE #actraiser #musique #jeu_vidéo #vgm #ost #cover #reprise_de_musique #roman_heuser #yuzo_koshiro #1st_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #1st_revue #yuzo_koshiro #roman_heuser #reprise_de_musique #cover #ost #vgm #jeu_video #musique #actraiser
Birth Of The People (Actraiser Orchestral Cover) (アクトレイザー) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xksDQlfOWM&list=PLa9f67KdDUPqcOBRZQbxX4ybe0B6JqTSu&index=5 #actraiser #musique #jeu_vidéo #vgm #ost #cover #reprise_de_musique #1st_revue #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #1st_revue #reprise_de_musique #cover #ost #vgm #jeu_video #musique #actraiser
@cwebber ActRaiser was also one of the first titles for the Super Famicom after launch. Given the age of the console at the time it was released, it has held up incredibly well! I seem to recall completing it the day I took home the cartridge, but I have enjoyed replaying it over the years; it is short enough that it is not an enormous time sink.
IMHO, ActRaiser 2 has a masochist level of difficulty. Even with the benefits decades later of fast forwarding/rewinding emulators, cheats and such completing it was extremely difficult for me and I do not believe I have ever completed it without such assistance, though I did purchase the cartridge when it was originally released in the USA.
I seem to recall an AGDQ run that blew my mind, and the technical commentary of how it was done, also blew my mind (this one from 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el7hzIlH9RM&pp=ygUPYWN0cmFpc2VyIDIgZ2Rx though I guess there are faster speed runs now e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2NRgOkSUwc, yikes). Even if they hadn't done away with the overhead Sim City style gameplay for ActRaiser 2, IMHO it would have been a worse game based on being too challenging alone.
Thankfully, both titles have gorgeous sprite animation and soundtracks by the legendary 古代 祐三「koshiro yūzō」. In 2021, the soundtrack to the original was released on vinyl as "ActRaiser Original Soundtrack & Symphonic Suite" and I purchased it (this is why I am in debt, basically: procuring art legally in fetishized lossy physical formats even though lossless ROMs are easily available freely).
Albeit, I haven't deejayed anywhere publicly since 2018 and declined an invite in 2019 shortly before the pandemic and while someone seemed intrigued enough by my description of teajayin to make an offhand comment about having me do such things in Boulder, CO; that seems like a lot of travel with no promise of income and the last time I visited CO in 2019 was a disaster too. So for the time being the vinyl is safely in storage.
@gamequotes #Actraiser such a great game check out my playthrough here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#actraiser #retrogaming #retrogames #snes #squareenix #supernintendo
@Heather You may want to look into #CultOfTheLamb. It's two games in one: a dungeon crawler where you level up weapons, spells, etc fending off old gods and a community building game where you make sure everyone's fed, happy and conduct kindly or unholy rituals. If you came up in the SNES era it gives me an #Actraiser vibe. If not, think of it as Animal Crossing's sinister cousin. I believe I read there was free DLC forthcoming as well and even a cartoon in development.
@OutofPrintArchive #Actraiser a classic check out my playthrough here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#Retrogaming #RetroGames #SNES #Enix #SuperNintendo
#actraiser #retrogaming #retrogames #snes #enix #supernintendo
@gamequotes #Actraiser love that game check out my playthrough here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#Retrogaming #RetroGames #SNES #SuperNintendo #SquareEnix #Enix
#actraiser #retrogaming #retrogames #snes #supernintendo #squareenix #enix
@gamequotes #Actraiser love this game check out my playthrough here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#actraiser #retrogaming #retrogames #snes #supernintendo #squareenix
Whole mess of new #music out there now. Some remixes of a new project where I'm working through the music of #Actraiser (old #snes) game and then the latest redux single for my super ancient track "Stingray" to bring it in line with my current style. #spotify https://open.spotify.com/track/5LUkb3O6JsVzs18GWCIsdZ?si=71df83eeb443458a
#music #actraiser #snes #spotify
Here we gooo https://youtu.be/ZZnNTvEkr8I #remix #edm #gamemusic #gameremix #snes #actraiser #electronicmusc
#remix #edm #gamemusic #gameremix #snes #actraiser #electronicmusc
Have we had many #indiegames that have tried to mix different genres into a cohesive game?
For example as a kid I loved playing #dnd Warriors of the eternal sun, which was half top down tactical game, half fps dungeon crawler.
Same sort of thing with #actraiser that was half God sim, half 2d platformer.
@gamequotes Love #Actraiser check out my livestream here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#Retrogaming #Retrogames #SNES #SuperNintendo #SquareEnix
#actraiser #retrogaming #retrogames #snes #supernintendo #squareenix
@FreiGuy86 #Top5games on #SNES
1. #SuperCastlevaniaIV
2. #FinalFantasyVI
3. #Actraiser
4. #EVOSearchForEden
5. #TMNTIVTurtlesInTime
Keep in mind just off the top of my head some of these will probably change lol
#tmntivturtlesintime #evosearchforeden #actraiser #finalfantasyvi #supercastlevaniaiv #snes #top5games
@gamequotes #Actraiser great game I did a #Twitch livestream of the game and I also LPed the game on Youtube. I find the livestream to be better quality which you can check out here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M8mjGDV2MI
#squareenix #snes #retrogames #retrogaming #twitch #actraiser
@SirTapTap #Actraiser I love that game the sequel #Actraiser2 was somewhat of a disappointment sadly