It can be interesting to try to work out the sources used by the #NewTestament authors. Here are some examples from both the author of #Matthew and the author of #Luke-#Acts that ultimately come from #Aesop's #Fables.
#christian #mythology #myths #legends #NT #bible #plagiarism #christianity #jesus
#newtestament #matthew #luke #acts #aesop #fables #christian #mythology #myths #legends #nt #bible #plagiarism #christianity #jesus
"The ultimate question of who we are is set before us at all times and answered with every action." — Bryant McGill — — — #BryantMcGill #quote #quotes #character #action #persona #temperament #acts #actions
#bryantmcgill #quote #quotes #character #action #persona #temperament #acts #actions
伊藤麻希が伊藤麻希していて目が離せない!|Maki Itoh acts like herself.
#acts #Itoh #prowrestling #SKE48 #SKE48TeamKII #tjpw #Vlog #WRESTLEUNIVERSE #プロレス #伊藤麻希が伊藤麻希していて目が離せないMaki #女子プロレス #東京女子プロレス #荒井優希
#acts #itoh #prowrestling #ske48 #SKE48TeamKII #TJPW #vlog #wrestleUNIVERSE #プロレス #伊藤麻希が伊藤麻希していて目が離せないmaki #女子プロレス #東京女子プロレス #荒井優希
Congrats to City Zone Express SDN BHD, Malaysia and AMAZING Logistics and Supply Chain Co. Ltd, Thailand for receiving the ACTS Awards!
The EU and ASEAN are proud to recognise the achievements of two ASEAN logistics companies in undertaking ACTS movements.
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Supported by the EU ARISE Plus, ASEAN has implemented the ASEAN Customs Transit System for faster and cheaper movement of goods within ASEAN.
King Jesus – Acts 17:6-7
For us who are in the kingdom of God, Jesus is king. He is the one who should have our ultimate allegiance, over every other authority.
#acts #biblestudy #lordshipofjesus
Discerning God’s Will – Acts 16:9-10
How can you discern God's will for your life? That can be hard. But just be faithful in serving him and look for doors to open and close.
#Acts #BibleStudy #Faithfulness #God'sWill
#acts #biblestudy #faithfulness #god
Those Who Seek Will Find – Acts 10:1-2
Jesus promised that those who seek will find. And Cornelius is an example of one who sought for God, and God ensured that he found him.
#acts #biblestudy #prayer #salvation
A Great Persecution Broke Out – Acts 8:1
The early church faced a time of great persecution. But, rather than dampen their spirits, they rejoiced and spread the gospel even further.
#acts #biblestudy #persecution #rejoice
+++ #Anslinger +++
#Endocannabinoid #system #acts as a #regulator of #immune #homeostasis #Weedmob #Cannabis #Wissen #Klagen #Rassismus #Menschenrechte
#FridaysForFuture #Cannabis:#Hanf #TomorrowIsTooLate #UrLiebe #fff #luisa #greta #onelove #biggerthanus
Gerichtsfestes Wissen:
#Legalisierung2023 #Weedmob #Legalisierung #fff #antipro #lto #hartaberfair #AnneWill #Cannabiscommunity #Hanf
#cannabiscommunity #annewill #hartaberfair #lto #AntiPro #legalisierung #Legalisierung2023 #biggerthanus #onelove #greta #luisa #fff #urliebe #TomorrowIsTooLate #hanf #fridaysforfuture #menschenrechte #rassismus #klagen #wissen #cannabis #WeedMob #homeostasis #immune #regulator #acts #system #endocannabinoid #anslinger
Growing a Successful Church – Acts 2:47
What is a successful church? And what does it take to produce one? Acts 2:42-47 tells us what the early church did to be successful.
Today is the official publication date of YDS Dean Greg Sterling's new book, "Shaping the Past to Define the Present: Luke-Acts and Apologetic Historiography."
#yale #YaleDivinitySchool #Luke-Acts #BookofLuke #BookofActs #Luke #Acts #apologetics #historiogrpahy
#historiogrpahy #apologetics #acts #bookofacts #bookofluke #luke #yaledivinityschool #yale
Liebe @LTO welche #Strategie erkennen Sie in meinen Arbeiten? Also jene, die ein juristisches Vorgehen zur Beendigung der Hanfprohibition, im verschachtelten Universum meiner Erzählstränge [hier im "verlorenen Paradies", seit Beitrag 1 in der Timeline]
Bitte auf #EVIDENZ prüfen.
Was ist denn das "#Gesamtsystem"?
#Endocannabinoid #system #acts as a #regulator of #immune #homeostasis #Weedmob #Cannabis #Wissen #Klagen #Anslinger #Rassismus #Menschenrechte #Slavery #Slave
#slave #slavery #menschenrechte #rassismus #anslinger #klagen #wissen #cannabis #WeedMob #homeostasis #immune #regulator #acts #system #endocannabinoid #Gesamtsystem #evidenz #strategie
Feb 17: Today is #Random #Acts of #Kindness Day! #RandomActsOfKindnessDay #holiday #event #observance
#random #acts #kindness #randomactsofkindnessday #holiday #event #observance
#Epigenetik - #Immunsystem - #Endocannabinoidsystem - #Neuroprotektion - #Neuroplastizität - #Traumata
Welche #Zusammenhänge gibt es? Gibt es #Verknüpfungen?
#Metabolismus #Homöostase #Entzündungen #Heilung
Hanf hilft Hanf heilt Hanf lindert
Warum lässt die #Bundesregierung das zu?
#weedmob #cannabis #cannabinoide #menschenjagd #hexenverfolgung
- - - >
#Endocannabinoid #system #acts as a #regulator of #immune #homeostasis ... #onelove
#onelove #homeostasis #immune #regulator #acts #system #endocannabinoid #hexenverfolgung #menschenjagd #cannabinoide #cannabis #WeedMob #bundesregierung #Bubatz #Wegen #Toten #nazis #heilung #entzundungen #homoostase #Metabolismus #verknupfungen #zusammenhange #Traumata #neuroplastizitat #neuroprotektion #ENDOCANNABINOIDSYSTEM #immunsystem #epigenetik
I haven’t had occasion in quite a while to read Acts 19:21-41. Just did. Boy, does it sit differently after the last couple of years in these here United States… #pastor #PastorLife #Acts
The Acts of John and gnostic ritual dances
The apocryphal Acts of John is a curious text which is first attested in the Manichaean Psalm-book in the Chester Beatty collection.[ref]Iranica: The two parts of the psalmbook (Codex A, Chester Beatty Library, 578 pp.) have been published, part I (172 folios) in a facsimile (Giversen, 1988a; 172 folios), part...
#Acts of John #Apocrypha #Apocryphal Acts #Dance
#acts #apocrypha #apocryphal #dance
Hui es gibt ein #Live Update zu #Deichkind für 2023.
Eines der Bands und #Acts welche Mensch unbedingt live erlebt haben MUSS!
#live #deichkind #acts #deichkindontour #schongehort