Privatised faith isn’t publicly owned
Death of TV
I recall hearing a clip from a TV programme about the future of television.
"Linear television will die" said the commentator.
What did they mean ‘ linear television’ ? – oh tuning into a particular channel and watching a series of programmes, like BBC1 or ITV1 or if you are olde
#Lectionary #Acts2 #Community #ekklesia #LiquidChurch #NewChurch #Transformation
#transformation #newchurch #liquidchurch #ekklesia #community #acts2 #lectionary
Pentecost : Who is in?
We have people meeting in one place, it’s Pentecost, 50 days after Passover. It’s a house (Acts 2:2) – too early for a church perhaps. Would they have said synagogue if that was the place?
We draw the lines in the sand to separate people into classifications,we are the ones who try to segregate people, where God is saying that all are loved.
Thanks to Twible
So a
#Lectionary #Acts2 #Community #Love #Pentecost
#pentecost #love #community #acts2 #lectionary
HIRO: Anything in the Bible back this up?
LIBRARIAN: Pentecost.
H: ??
L: From the Greek pentekostos, meaning 50th; ie the 50th day after the Crucifixion.
H: Juanita just told me Christianity was hijacked by viral influences when it was only 50 days old. What is it?
L: And they were all filled w/the Holy Spirit & began to speak in other tongues. Now there were dwelling in from every nation. And they were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. #Acts2