"Leadership is… uncoupling fear and failure."
"Leadership is… guiding people through the unknown to something better than they can imagine when they set out."
( — @futurosity )
#ActsOfLeadership is my weekly newsletter - expanding your leadership range one experiment at a time.
Subscribe at https://actsofleadership.info/
"Leadership is… mobilizing the people with the answers you need to bring your people closer to success."
"Leadership is… the inner game of choosing how you want to show up."
"Leadership is… naming the elephant in the room and making space for it to be heard."
Storytelling is the key to accessing identity confidnce.
#actsofleadership #executivecoach
Wisdom is...
...looking back and realizing that you had the answers all along but got caught in the trap of not trusting yourself.
I love when this sort of insight bubbles up for clients during #coaching
That bold audacious vision you hold for this year...
What needs to be different for you to allow yourself full permission to reach for it?
#actsofleadership #leadership #coaching