They are fixing problems with the roof this week. But they told us that they wouldn’t come today cause of the hot weather. So I planned to work on commissions today. But guess who showed up?! I can’t even hear myself think. I guess I work evenings now… #ActuallyAutistc
On days like this when it’s 30 degrees, I have to choose between seeing well and having sensory overload from my glasses sweating from my nose or not seeing well and being comfy. It usually ends up being the latter. #ActuallyAutistc
Enough said? 🤷♂️
#actuallyautistc #reasonstoignoreaphonecall #hashtaggames
I follow an account that tracks disease outbreaks. Every time I see it, I want to correct them:
• COVID-19 is not an organism.
• COVID-19 is a disease.
• SARS-CoV-2 is the virus (group of virus mutations) that causes COVID-19.
• Viruses (virii) are also not organisms.
#AskingAutistics Does anyone have good suggestions to quickly find remote work, full or part time, for #ActuallyAutistc people who dread phone calls? Asking for me. 🙋♂️
#askingautistics #actuallyautistc
Seeing people on here saying "I'm not autistic, but that's totally me too." 🤔
That was me too a couple years ago. 🤪
Common experience?
Do we all go through that initial phase?
#askingautistics #actuallyautistc
A clumsy #ActuallyAutistc person with motor problems and sensory issues with certain textures is making vegan sushi. What could possibly go wrong?
So smart I cleaned the kitchen before I created a complete mess 🙄
The good thing about it - I have cold delicious food not only for today but also tomorrow, which will be another hot summer day 😋
I finally trimmed my hair, trimmed my Muppet eyebrows, and shaved. They were killing me! #ActuallyAutistc #SensoryIssues
#actuallyautistc #sensoryissues
I had a horrible night! The storm made it so I couldn’t sleep. It was THAT loud. One of the cats kept waking me up too. And now a hand mower is already in the vicinity since 8 AM (it’s 10:30 AM now). I hope he swallows the thing 😡😡😡 My SO is having a meltdown too cause of that thing in combination with her work being really demanding today. I am going to try and regulate with a game and / or some music. #ActuallyAutistc
The deadline for DSP Review is fast approaching. I have not got my letters from my additional assessments from Psych and OT yet.
I have the form asking for a review. I do not know what to put for "what decision do you want formally reviewed"? Or "Why are you apply for a formal review"? #ActuallyAutistc #NDIS #DSP
Cutting my own bangs cause that’s less agony than having to wait at the hairdresser. #ActuallyAutistc #ActuallyADHD
#actuallyautistc #actuallyadhd
#AskingAutistics I'm kind of curious—at what age were you Dxed or self-Dxed as autistic?
I'm also wondering if the responses will be skewed based due to the overall average age of people on the Fediverse.
For me, the answer was 48 years-old. I'm 50 now.
#askingautistics #actuallyautistc
Most of my life I frequently asked "Is this normal?" about everything I did or thought. Since discovering I'm #ActuallyAutistc, I try not to do that anymore. (*try*, not always successfully)
One of my special interests is Harry Potter. So my SO and I played Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit today. 💙 #BoardGames
Don’t worry, while I still enjoy HP, I don’t support JK Rowling. If I buy any HP stuff it’s pre owned. I tried to switch interests but it didn’t work. It’s my longest special interest and my comfort blanket in difficult times. I get severe panic attacks when I am sick and only watching HP can calm me down. Sometimes it’s hard being #ActuallyAutistc
@exme @irina @FrightenedRat But also, the burden of educating those who know nothing about autism should not rest solely on #ActuallyAutistc folks.
Hi Gnome Kat, welcome to the club 🙂
If you start following (and using) the #ActuallyAutistc hashtag you’ll meet loads of people who can relate! It’s quite a journey for most of us until we realise there’s nothing wrong with us, we’re just autistic! 🙂
Here’s one of my favourite reads:
Realizations since finding out I'm #ActuallyAutistc
• I'm not even a little hearing impaired. I have auditory processing issues that make it harder for me to filter out background noise.
• I'm not nearly as sensitive to heat as I thought. I much more sensitive to humidity than I realized, and that's what usually makes me feel too hot.
• I toe walk (still, to this day), and most neurotypical people do not.
• My face often telegraphs the wrong emotions to neurotypical people.
I finally found an #ActuallyAutistc therapist for burnout, anxiety, and depression. I can't stress how strongly I recommend it if you're also seeking help. It really makes a difference.
This week was a success for me personally.
Three long work days filled with socializing plus a work outing without incident. #ActuallyAutistc
A presentation of a work tool I developed went well and the tool was adopted immediately.
I stood up for myself (finally). Probably am disowned but meh.