In case you want to read it, here is the
Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox News Network court filing:
#DominionVFox #defamation #ActualMalice #Libel #Malice #lawsuit
#Fox #FoxNews #FauxNews #Dominion #Trial
#dominionvotingsystemsvfoxnewsnetwork #dominionvfox #defamation #actualmalice #libel #malice #lawsuit #fox #foxnews #fauxnews #dominion #trial
We're 12 days out from the Dominion/Fox trial. I took a look at what Dominion's odds are of proving actual malice and why that's a big deal. #lawfedi #defamation #actualmalice
#lawfedi #defamation #actualmalice
#fox #law #judge #lawyer #court #dominion #FoxNewsDominion #foxnews #actualmalice "the wind tells me I'm a 👻 ghost but i don't believe it" 😂
#actualmalice #foxnews #foxnewsdominion #dominion #court #lawyer #judge #law #fox