· @mk30
269 followers · 1282 posts · Server regenerate.social

@quinsibell it is absolutely solarpunk. and most importantly, it is . 💪


Last updated 1 year ago

· @mk30
269 followers · 1282 posts · Server regenerate.social

...another instance where calm is called for: when you spot a bipalium kewense flatworm that's longer than your foot.

these guys are big predators of earthworms & are thus enemies of mine. they may also be carriers for angiostrongylus.

they are one of my least favorite creepy crawlies. do not touch with your hands. smoosh them on sight. they can regrow from fragments, so smoosh them FULLY.


#invasivespecies #invertebrates #nature #actualsolarpunk #highcontextliving

Last updated 1 year ago

· @mk30
269 followers · 1282 posts · Server regenerate.social

living with the land requires a certain level of calm when you find a huge live cane toad floating in one of your water buckets (toad juice!!!). or when you find a slug at the bottom of your veggie bowl. that bowl gets put in a tub every day at dusk so slugs don't get in, & yet!

(slugs here are carriers for angiostrongylus cantonensis, & the cane toads have poison skin. yay nature!)

#actualsolarpunk #offgrid #homestead #nature #invasivespecies #solarpunk #highcontextliving

Last updated 1 year ago

· @mk30
228 followers · 1111 posts · Server regenerate.social

is your friend pulling up handfuls of local-variety sweet potato cuttings just as you're leaving, so you attach them to the back of your bike (on top of the other stuff you're bringing home), and bike home with a beautiful puff of purple and green. these will be a wonderful addition to our garden!

#actualsolarpunk #solarpunk #teamwork #tropical #farm #garden #gardening #tropicalag #plants #food

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
228 followers · 1111 posts · Server regenerate.social

...i really think that most artists/writers/etc. would benefit from living with the land for a while.. or from setting up a solarpunk project, like water catchment, compost/gardening, solar power, building something out of wood, etc. even fixing one's own clothes is good.

whatever it is, you can't buy the thing ready to go! use cheap/repurposed materials. free is best. junk is all around.

obviously if you already do stuff like this, my message doesn't apply :}

#solarpunk #actualsolarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
228 followers · 1111 posts · Server regenerate.social

...i posted the above because i see a lot of material being posted that is still working within this idea of "imagine, then make a plan, then action" without having questioned one's desires & the limits of imagination within modernity. this is why i find most solarpunk art/writing quite limited in vision & separate from the realities of living with the land.

#solarpunk #actualsolarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
228 followers · 1111 posts · Server regenerate.social

"modernity conditions us to believe that in order to change reality or our ways of being, we first need to imagine what this change looks like and then make a plan and act to achieve that goal. [...] we will only be able to imagine something genuinely different if we first become suspicious of what we desire and are able to imagine within modernity. this is the first step towards hospicing modernity." - vanessa machado de oliveira in "hospicing modernity"

#solarpunk #actualsolarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
158 followers · 658 posts · Server regenerate.social

is: bike-based. when functioning cars are hard to come by, bikes will still be there for you! they are light, easy to repair, & parts are often interchangeable. up with bikes!

#actualsolarpunk #bicycles #bikes #solarpunk #transportation

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
148 followers · 596 posts · Server regenerate.social

work continues on the shelf wall. the bottom shelf is not attached yet. i was putting it through a stress test lol.

involves a great deal of debugging! 😅 and oftentimes patches are only available with whatever you have on hand. so you better have a good junk pile!

luckily this lifestyle is available to anyone today. just be broke enough lol!


#debugging #actualsolarpunk #solarpunk #diy #tropical #engineering #hacks

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Deschaine · @aehdeschaine
297 followers · 894 posts · Server zirk.us

@mk30 I think that's why I have to lean on the concept sometimes. It's the hard work, the transition, to get to the better world, and that can be very fulfilling. I really like your hashtag to encapsulate that, too!

#hopepunk #actualsolarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
98 followers · 258 posts · Server regenerate.social

is: sometimes having to drive to home depot for fresh lumber because none of us are free yet.

but when you know how to build with junk, how to repurpose materials, & how much strength/longevity you actually need from materials, you can buy a lot less!

onward to a more future! ^-^

(and just look at the beautiful job we did loading the 2x4's into the truck! very secure!)

#actualsolarpunk #solarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
92 followers · 241 posts · Server regenerate.social

is: replacing the crusted-over water catchment gutter spigot thing with a nice fresh one made from the empty plastic jug that had distilled water you used to top up your weird busted batteries. 😅

#actualsolarpunk #solarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @mk30
83 followers · 193 posts · Server regenerate.social

is: you've inherited a bunch of weird batteries and you have no idea how they work. but you want them to work, because if you can get them working, you can have light and power for your laptop in a new part of your place! so you message your electricity wizard friend in another part of the world, u try to locate distilled water, u try to get them working.

#actualsolarpunk #solarpunk

Last updated 2 years ago