Don’t mind me, just reading old #SIGGRAPH slides by #Ubisoft on #AssassinsCreed and what their render pipeline looked like
#gpu #acunity #graphicsprogramming #gamedev #assassinscreed #ubisoft #siggraph
Don’t mind me, just reading old #SIGGRAPH slides by #Ubisoft on #AssassinsCreed and what their render pipeline looked like
#gpu #acunity #graphicsprogramming #gamedev #assassinscreed #ubisoft #siggraph
Appreciating the architecture of Paris today
#ps4 #gaming #PS5Share #acunity #assassinscreed
I've been thinking a lot about that phenomenon of putting off games. I do it a lot. With #ArkhamKnight and with #ACUnity as mentioned. I still haven't played #DoomEternal either. I put these games off and try out similar but basically lesser games and sometimes even force myself to finish them. It's a bad habit. Finishing #ShadowOfMordor would be engaging in this habit yet again. What gives? I also eat my fries and chips before my burgers and sandwiches. This feels like similar behavior.
#arkhamknight #acunity #doometernal #shadowofmordor