'I decided to challenge myself. I told my actors, my DOP and all my crew that we are naked, in a way, in front of the camera, I'm not going to cover you, I'm not going to cover myself either' Gentian Koçi’ and Blerina Hankollari talk to us about A Cup Of Coffee And New Shoes On https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/feature/2022-12-23-gentian-koci-in-conversation-about-a-cup-of-coffee-and-new-shoes-on-feature-story-by-amber-wilkinson #PÖFF26 #film #ACupOfCoffeeAndNewShoesOn #GentianKoci #BlerinaHankollari
#poff26 #film #acupofcoffeeandnewshoeson #gentiankoci #blerinahankollari
"Visual storytelling is appropriately to the fore in the latest film from Albanian director Gentian Koçi, although his film about two Deaf identical twins also makes skilful use of heightened sound design" - we review A Cup Of Coffee And New Shoes On https://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/review/a-cup-of-coffee-and-new-shoes-on-2022-film-review-by-amber-wilkinson #poff26 #Oscars #ACupOfCoffeeAndNewShoesOn #film
#poff26 #oscars #acupofcoffeeandnewshoeson #film