Standards for Acute Inpatient Services for Working Age Adults 7th Edition - Quality Network for Inpatient Working Age Mental Health Services (QNWA)
#mental_health #clinical_governance #acute_services #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
#mental_health #clinical_governance #acute_services #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
Understanding patient perspectives on improving GP referrals to secondary care through the use of specialist advice and guidance: Patient panel workshops: Final report on findings and recommendations - Patient's Association
#general_practice #referrals #acute_services #engagement #patient_experience #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
#general_practice #referrals #acute_services #Engagement #patient_experience #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
Provider collaborative innovators scheme - NHS England
#integrated_care #acute_services #community_services #innovation #collaboration #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
#integrated_care #acute_services #community_services #innovation #collaboration #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
Supporting children and young people (CYP) with mental health needs in acute paediatric settings: A framework for systems - NHS England
#young_people #mental_health #acute_services #children #paediatrics #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
#young_people #mental_health #acute_services #children #paediatrics #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
Cold Weather Plan for England: Action cards for Cold Weather Alert Service: Provider organisations: health and social care (community services, hospitals care homes and prisons) - UK Health Security Agency #cold_weather_plan #public_health #prisons #community_services #acute_services #social_care #commissioning #greylit #greyliterature #nglc
#cold_weather_plan #public_health #prisons #community_services #acute_services #social_care #commissioning #greylit #greyliterature #nglc