Also, if he thinks we are in a better place now in the #pandemic than we were before…
well then i have a bridge to sell you!
#acuteInfection isn’t the primary issue & also w/ prior #variants it took 10-15 minutes instead of.. 10-15 seconds #viralDose #inhalation
#reinfection is weakening #immuneSystem #tcells & destroying organs & #covid has mutated in 3 yrs MORE than #influenza in 15 years
I HAVE ZERO SCIENCE yet can fully understand this but #Osterholm is like “how did this happen to me?”🤦🏻♀️
#Pandemic #acuteinfection #variants #viraldose #inhalation #reinfection #immunesystem #tcells #covid #influenza #osterholm
@novid @Ekinnajay @Billius27
Reading this reminded me of sales oddly enough
If you’re not having any sales in the moment, it’s not what you didn’t do today, yesterday or even last week…it’s what you didn’t do 3-4 months prior
Or in this case, the #sarscov2 #SARS2 #variant #acuteInfection from prior
It is, for some bizarre reason, a very difficult concept for most people to grasp
#sarscov2 #SARS2 #variant #acuteinfection