Played On to Richmond II: The Union Strikes South on 2023-07-02
Grant Takes Command II
Scenario #8:
Trevilian Station - Rematch
(Video 7/3)
#GCACW @MultiManPub #wargaming #ACW #bggplay via @BoardGameGeek
#gcacw #wargaming #acw #bggplay
International Kriegsspiel Society are playing a new ACW game/scenario today, and livestreaming the umpire view for you to watch
#kriegsspiel #wargaming #acw #hexesforever
A Greater Victory
Revolution Games
His Union troops finally reach Turner's Gap and they are much stronger than the defenders. But we are many and firing downhill.
A Most Fearful Sacrifice
Initial contact scenario (Devil's to Pay)
My Rebs making light progress, my arty finally pushed a couple off the ridge.
We are back after a brief hiatus with the second play through of Scenario #5, Sheridan Rides South. Now it my turn to try to thwart the Union cavalry!
@MultiManPub #GCACW #wargaming #acw
RT @RheinmetallAG
Over the last two weeks we have been at @BritishArmy Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) in Bovington. We’ve been testing our Autonomous Combat Warrior #ACW which is based on a traditional Wiesel platform that has been upgraded with an autonomous capability.
@BadSocialism that is a great #westernmovie and the #ACW battles are well mounted.
#ACW This image, on p63 of Cunningham's book, should have been placed about 30pp earlier in the text. Not that it would have much helped, as it is best viewed with a microscope. It's also viewable in a digital image as I've provided here, into which we can zoom in. It's awfully hard to match up the battle descriptions with this overly crowded map.
Ein Tag in der 15 Minuten Hobby Challenge
In diesem Video bemale ich ein paar #6mm #acw Unionssoldaten.Die 15 Minuten Hobby Challenge ist im vollen Gange und ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich bei allen Teilnehmenden! Heute nehme ich Euch mit an meinen Maltisch und wir bestreiten die 15 Minuten gemeinsam.
#youkraut #vlog #tableschmock #acw #6mm
Haven't yet had time to look at my pictures. Maps from some brochures I picked up at Port Hudson follow. #ACW
A biographical summary of one of my #ACW heroes, Peter J Osterhaus, compiled by one of my favorite Trans-Mississippi Theater writers, Dick Titterington.
Am Sonntag-Abend (22.08.) wird die #HSG #Bayreuth von #digitalcourage zusammen mit dem Hackerspace #imaginärRaum die Film-Vorführung von
#allcreatureswelcome #acw in kleinem Kreis und Corona-konform nachholen!
Wer hat Zeit und Lust auf einen tollen Abend in gemütlicher Atmosphäre?
Ganz im Sinne des Film-Titels sind alle #Wesen herzlich eingeladen -
Wir bitten aber um vorherige Anmeldung (gerne bis Samstag-Abend) an die unter angegebene Mail-Adresse.
Infos zur Doku über den #ccc sowie den offiziellen Trailer findet ihr unter
#ccc #wesen #acw #allcreatureswelcome #imaginärRaum #digitalcourage #Bayreuth #HSG