Margo Van Poucke · @mlvp71
221 followers · 123 posts · Server

When you feel like you have to write an entire two-page essay in response to reviewer 2's 'constructive' feedback and even add referencing to support your argument...

This could have easily been summarised as follows:
it's my paper and not yours, so let me use my own preferred methodology and I'll happily let you use yours. Thank you.

#acwrimo #academia #wasteoftime #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

dr. meg smith · @meg_smith0913
718 followers · 46 posts · Server

I didn't quite meet my word count goal, but I am entirely satisfied with this ! In the past I've tapped out after hitting a dry spell, but it's been nice to track it the whole month and put both the good days and the bad days in context.

#histodons #acwrimo2022 #acwrimo

Last updated 2 years ago

Yana Kucheva, PhD · @yana
327 followers · 66 posts · Server

Short recap of : wrote every weekday, revised two manuscripts (they are not submitted just yet but will be shortly after I clean up the tables and double check some details), did not do much on my stretch goals (two more manuscripts), but I am shifting my full attention here in December as I have some important deadlines for them in February and March. All in all it was a good way to get in some slow, deliberate, and consistent writing. Onto December!


Last updated 2 years ago

Nathan Dykes · @na_sy_tr
118 followers · 63 posts · Server

is over, and for the first time so far, I'm actually happy with how it went. I didn't write a lot in terms of words, but the goal was to consistently make some time for the thesis, and to my huge surprise, it actually happened. Better still, I've started to develop a grudge against Wednesdays because the current schedule usually makes them bad writing days.


Last updated 2 years ago

Megan Hatch · @meganehatch
154 followers · 94 posts · Server

@Prof_Mirya I think I should try that. I had a time tracker on my phone, but I’d forget to use it. For I’ve been doing the highly scientific approach of my phone stopwatch and a running tally in my todo app.


Last updated 2 years ago

Mirya Holman · @Prof_Mirya
1460 followers · 222 posts · Server

Looking at my time in November (128 hours of writing) and comparing it to 6 years ago (80 hours of writing) is a reminder that learning to focus on writing is the same as training for any other endurance sport

#writing #mhaws #academia #rescuetime #acwrimo

Last updated 2 years ago

Caitlin Rowley · @minim
179 followers · 284 posts · Server

Last day of but my mother is very ill & my anxiety levels are sky-high, plus had very little sleep because brain was catastrophising the situation, so writing was out of the question today. Instead, I've spent today's time going through the contextual examples I have in Nvivo, making sure they're in Zotero then getting them into Obsidian. This has 'forced' me to rewatch several enjoyable videos πŸ˜‰ All in all a positive end to a useful month.


Last updated 2 years ago

Priscilla Muriel · @prisci_muriel
441 followers · 279 posts · Server


As winds down to a close, I am reminded that sometimes, what's important to move forward with a manuscript, is to open the manuscript on a regular basis


#acwrimo #acwrimo2022 #30tips30days #rpvacwritips

Last updated 2 years ago

Caitlin Rowley · @minim
176 followers · 268 posts · Server

Today I've been continuing to write from my notes in Obsidian & I am SO much more pleased with what I've come up with than anything I've written in about 2 months. Finally finding a way to bring in writing about pieces that feels more connected to the research than just plonk-plonk-plonk. As I wrote, random ideas bubbled up & I've needed to reference old notebooks - all now dumped into Obsidian & linked where they need to be. Really liking this.


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bron Eager · @bron
197 followers · 129 posts · Server

Help me (please!) come up with a better title for this blog post I wrote today.

Currently titled "Every scholar should know about the Manchester Academic Phrasebank (It’s amazing!)"

I think the title is awful πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Don't know what to change it to though. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Any ideas from the community for a better title?

The Manchester Academic Phrasebank is pretty cool, helped me heaps, and I want to share the love by letting others know about it.

#mastodon #academic #academics #academicwriting #advice #writing #acwrimo #writers #copywriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bron Eager · @bron
197 followers · 129 posts · Server

The highlight of my week πŸ“ πŸŽ“ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» is about to start Woohoo!

❀️ my Tuesday Shut Up and Write writing group ❀️

To learn more about writing with others, check out this article by @tseenster

#acwri #acwrimo #suaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Michelle · @ThunderHoneySnow
84 followers · 179 posts · Server

That feeling when you are typing your own notes, spell a word, DON'T get the red squiggles underneath telling you that you have spelled it wrong, and immediately have to toss the word into the search engine to make sure.

#phdlife #acwrimo #spellcheck #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Megan Hatch · @meganehatch
154 followers · 94 posts · Server

I just re-wrote the opening paragraph to a paper with @cbgoodman that has been languishing since...ahem...pre-pandemic and I'm feeling pretty good about it.

I write really detailed so that the actual writing is easy. This time I'm trying a hybrid approach. The outline is 75% done, but I'll definitely have to stop and do a little reading on some parts. We'll see how it goes.

#outlines #acwrimo #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

Caitlin Rowley · @minim
173 followers · 267 posts · Server

Wrote some words! First time attempting to write from the structure work in Obsidian & it raised some more structural questions which I then poked at a bit more. Writing like this feels slower but also more considered. I'm feeling clearer about what I want to be saying & how it relates to my research questions (which I realised was totally missing before) so I think it's better. Sure I'll pick up speed again when I'm more familiar with this way of working.


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bron Eager · @bron
197 followers · 129 posts · Server
Caitlin Rowley · @minim
173 followers · 266 posts · Server

You might have seen my Obsidian squee post from earlier today and if so, that probably tells you everything you need to know about today’s . I spent a couple of hours in an Actual Cafe tinkering with Obsidian, which was lovely. Then this evening I managed to make a page in it which queries my literature & context folders so I can see a nice clear table showing the current gender balance of my references’ authors. Tomorrow to try writing from what I have…


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Bron Eager · @bron
170 followers · 106 posts · Server

Can be improved with a daily journaling habit?

Sharing my experience of journaling every morning for several years using the Morning Pages technique and some of the benefits it's brought.

Latest blog post πŸ‘‡

πŸ“ πŸŽ“ πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

#academiclife #writing #acwrimo #acwri #academicwriting #highered #research #adhd #productivity #goals #productivityhacks #morningpages #academics #goalsetting #accountability #journal

Last updated 2 years ago

Single-page printing your text and spreading it out on the floor is a surprisingly good method for editing.

This gives you a *readable* view of your text in its entirety -- a macro perspective that's simply not achievable on a computer.

#acwri #acwrimo #academicwriting #academia #academicchatter

Last updated 2 years ago

Caitlin Rowley · @minim
173 followers · 266 posts · Server

Little today as stupendously tired. I wanted to keep going with Obsidian, but just not enough energy & need to get to bed at a reasonable hour, so I went back to Helen Sword's "Stylish Academic Writing" for just 1 chapter, on citations. Tbh, my thinking about citation styles up till now has been limited to swearing at endnotes which I find disruptive & annoying to have to hunt for, so things to think about, if feeling a little less relevant to me than other chapters


Last updated 2 years ago

Caitlin Rowley · @minim
173 followers · 266 posts · Server

Last night I dived head-first into the Obsidian rabbit hole, installing the Citations plugin & just messing about, & today continued that. My graph is feeling a little overwhelming, tbh, but working this way, thinking about tagging things & how the bits connect, is helping me feel closer to the work, & right now it's a slightly easier way to work than my usual write-till-I-have-ideas-then-rewrite-17-times approach. Enjoying the playing for now.


Last updated 2 years ago