smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 293 posts · Server

3.3.25 goes out the door, last matching tables updates for cpu, disk vendor. Features gpu device id updates, various fixes, the new --config options, some documentation updates.

Some other stuff I used for inxi was the organization of sub categories in the changelog, which helps readability, and makes it easier to maintain and update.

In a sense, the recent acxi updates moved its code closer to inxi style, but also some stuff moved back into inxi that I found useful.

#inxi #acxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 290 posts · Server

With with a faint pop, just missed Chinese New Year release, 3.6.00 goes out the door. Now to move on to do other things.

For those watching, is moving very slowly towards next , but nothing pressing really calls for a release yet, but features/enhancements are slowly building up. Better intel/amd gpu IDs for example.

#acxi #pinxi #inxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 288 posts · Server

Last changelog and tiny fixes for 3.6.00, I think maybe I'll do it today, latest tomorrow. Nothing has changed with --taglist for a few days now, and changes have only been docs and a few tiny additions which don't matter, so maybe ok to consider it stable. Note it makes no real difference, all the dev stuff goes to main branch (called 'stable' for odd historical reasons) as soon as tested anyway, so it's really just about a tagged 'release' in github terms.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
19 followers · 284 posts · Server

* Sync convert_file also used redundant code, now it's all neat and tidy, which made it easier to improve the --dry output options as well. Also, had never indicated if copy and mkdir were running in dry mode or actually happening, now shows 'Test mode:' where relevant for the entire process.
* Earlier in process, refactored OptionsHandler::verify_selections()(to make sure options have the data they need, or conflicting options aren't used), that had gotten really messy over time.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
19 followers · 282 posts · Server

This is turning into a major release for , as often happens, you sort of notice odd things when working on other features, but you can't do everything at once, so the brain notes that somewhere and then when the main feature is largely complete, attention can be put on the other less related issues. I'm finding a lot now that I'm going over various features, so 3.6.00 will be a pretty major update since so many features are polished/fixed, little things wrong, code sloppiness.etc.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 281 posts · Server

I think this is a first, since the new --config option is easy to implement, and useful, I extended it to /#inxi. This will be in next inxi, and is in present pinxi now.

Usually acxi lags somewhat behind inxi in terms of code and logic, but due to recent heavy spate of work on acxi, the pattern is reversed for the time being.

I don't know why it never struck me to just let users easily find what config file is active, and what configs it has, but there you have it.

#acxi #pinxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 281 posts · Server

I would complain about what a pain maintaining complicated help options, man page, changelog, and now the new acxi-values.txt dev doc is overall, but the reality is, I find that when I have to document, and more important, make sure docs are consistent and actually reflect what is going on, I almost always find little glitches.

Ongoing pre-release docs/feature additions is no exception to this rule, all kinds of odd little glitches found and fixed.

But doing code AND doccs is a pain.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 279 posts · Server

This will not impact any user who has set OUTPUT_TYPE already in configs, or who starts acxi with --outtput [type]. So it's just a corner case check to avoid horrible mess for any user who was using the old default of . But I've been thinking of switching to modern default for a while, but wanted to give it some time.

#acxi #ogg

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 278 posts · Server

And, since this will be a major version release, is moving from the old default output type , which is largely in maintenance mode, to . Added in a few features to avoid any users who had never explicitly set OUTPUT_TYPE in configs and aren't using --output option to exit if no explicit output type set for sync actions. it could be quite nasty if you updated and had used old default ogg, then ran with new opus without realizing. This was cleanest way to handle that test.

#acxi #ogg #opus

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 277 posts · Server

Polishing up and adding public docs to . That's a first, except for its man/changelog pages. Doing this helped detect some glitches in logic for --image and --replace-images and how man page described them vs how they were working. Those issues are now resolved.

This makes 3.6.00 release close, though I tend to not want to release until no changes happen for > 24 hours. But these are fixes now, docs, etc, --taglist/-L is stable, working well.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 277 posts · Server

@ChristosArgyrop @mjgardner nothing, lol.

Number 1 requirement for is that it runs anywhere on any system back to Perl 5.008, which was based on running on old redhat servers mainly.

As I noted a few posts back, the time I accidentally introduced a post 5.010 feature to (state with assignment of array), I got an almost immediate bug report from someone running it on old os.

With this said, maybe in a few years I'll bump inxi to 5.010, to get say and state.

#inxi #acxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 277 posts · Server

I'm assuming since I'm now thinking about cleaning up some debuggers and documenting them for , that means this really difficult --taglist feature is largely stable now. Everything with is hard, and anyone who tells you it isn't has never written code dealing with tagging.

#acxi #tagging

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 259 posts · Server

@packy @arnandegans I like 5.008, only thing I miss is say and state, is set to 5.010, and when I accidentally let a feature slip in that broke in 5.010 I got a bug report almost immediately, lol, which surprised me, some guy was using it on an old server.

To me, one of the biggest advantage of Perl over python is that it DOES NOT BREAK over time, and if you have to update a few things, they are easy to update.

I find the assumption that I want to rewrite code every few years rude.


Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
19 followers · 238 posts · Server

@mykhaylo and , backend tools for those, and some for work. Not a lot at work, but I found it far better in production in any scenario where I had used shell + php before. inxi is an extreme practical extraction and reporting tool, and is in a sense exactly what perl was designed for. would probably. Core requirement for inxi in particular is to work on 15+ year old os/hardware, so you can run it on old servers. No other language has the feature stability of perl.

#inxi #acxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
19 followers · 234 posts · Server

And I think this largely completes this phase of active development, unless we can find some more tagging arcana corner cases to torture the code with.

Probably the most revealing product I've done with so far because this one exposed 3 distinct things, one almost certainly a true bug, 2 not. This confirms my feeling that this new feature in acxi was very hard, because I had to move perl into areas I hadn't pushed it to before, thus triggering the events.

#acxi #perl

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
19 followers · 228 posts · Server

Te be slightly politically incorrect in these circles, I am just enough of a geek to think bare metal stuff is interesting, but not enough of one to then dedicate all of my life to that pursuit. is basically at this point a public service to the foss community, my giving back since I use free software top to bottom, and is a tool I make to do real things that have almost nothing to do with tech at all. I also recognize that free software itself is on a dangerous slippery slope...

#inxi #acxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 223 posts · Server

To me, the 'marketing' of would benefit greatly from focusing on the areas where it excels, it's true power and utility, which is being a practical extraction and reporting language, which is why I picked it for and , though it does more than extract in acxi, but that is part of what it does.

True native regex too, coupled with advanced complex data structures, unlike say python, where regex has to be added as a library, requiring functions to access, like php.

#perl #inxi #acxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
18 followers · 223 posts · Server

@mjgardner I find it useful to pause to reflect on things like this when I hit completion of major project, which I am doing in now, to sort of mull over what the tools are doing when pushed past areas I'd used them before. I am genuinely surprised I never hit this issue before in because it uses data structures heavily. My current sneaking suspicion is that I did hit them, and then worked around them without realizing why it failed and why fixes worked.

#acxi #inxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
16 followers · 202 posts · Server

@mjgardner in this case, I can quite literally count on zero fingers the number of times I have seen php crash without trapping the error and giving me something to go on. 20+ years. I'm not blaming anything, I'm noting an event that occurred that should not have occurred, and when it occurred, should have been trapped. And always has been in the past, with everything, and both and see immense amounts of garbage data. Not excluding other causes, but don't have time to spend on it.

#acxi #inxi

Last updated 2 years ago

smxi · @smxi
16 followers · 202 posts · Server

@mjgardner I refactored this chunk in to add one more data structure which I can use together with the main one, the simple one simply says, yes, this key is defined and contains an array reference, at which point I can use it in tests. That's a workaround for an issue that should never have existed however, but you can't change these long term behaviors after the fact so I have to adapt to them. But I don't have to pretend it makes any rational sense to do that, it's just going, reality..


Last updated 2 years ago