POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
306 followers · 11086 posts · Server mstdn.jp

Strasbourg. Prestigieux pour les recherches de la Ada Reichhart sur le et le


> en sociologie, la Strasbourgeoise a décroché une bourse européenne de 1,4 million d’euros pour poursuivre ses sur le travail des femmes dans les de .

#production #cooperatives #recherches #reichhart #ada #Docteure #genre #travail #sociologue #soutien

Last updated 1 year ago

Adi · @Aditya
106 followers · 1896 posts · Server cryptodon.lol

Cardano whales have sounded the alarm! Recent data reveals a massive sell-off of 1.02 billion tokens worth around $265 million. 🚨 This move is making waves in the crypto world, raising questions about 's future volatility.


#ada #cardano #crypto

Last updated 1 year ago

Barry Schwartz 🫖 · @chemoelectric
557 followers · 11530 posts · Server masto.ai

A challenge for buffs:

If you look at the the program (with translations to other languages) in my pinned toots, you will see that the of stuff is actually just the correlations of phase-locked sinusoids randomly sampled.

So here is your challenge: make QUBIT circuits out of op-amps or 555 timers.

(I plan maybe to get to this myself, but I only dabble a bit, and my electronics bench is covered with unrelated garbage since early in the pandemic.)

#electronics #hobby #ada #entanglement #quantum

Last updated 1 year ago

Barry Schwartz 🫖 · @chemoelectric
557 followers · 11509 posts · Server masto.ai

So far the simulation is available in and .

#ada #python

Last updated 1 year ago

Barry Schwartz 🫖 · @chemoelectric
557 followers · 11480 posts · Server masto.ai

Derivation of the correlation coefficient for a two channel Bell-test experiment: github.com/chemoelectric/eprb_

The derivation is done with theory, employing no whatsoever. It is shown that quantum theorists attempting to analyze the problem using probability theory have computed expectations incorrectly, thus arriving at the wrong function.

A in demonstrates that the solution here is correct.


#ada #probability #quantum #physics #simulation

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephanie Ortoleva · @StephanieOrtoleva
69 followers · 201 posts · Server disabled.social
スパックマン クリス · @chris_spackman
257 followers · 4141 posts · Server twit.social

Does anyone else have to deal with a university (which I'm sure receives plenty of federal $$$) whose staff routinely send out emails consisting entirely of an image and no text?

On a good day the alt text is "a picture. alt text generated automatically".

Hilariously, one year a new accessibility / compliance person sent some emails trying to get others to follow the law. She gave up after a few months.

FWIW, their tech security is even worse.

#ada #highereducation #accessibility #idea

Last updated 1 year ago

Barry Schwartz 🫖 · @chemoelectric
556 followers · 11467 posts · Server masto.ai

I have a proof of the correlation coefficient for a two channel Bell-test experiment here, along with an simulation of such an experiment:


#ada #quantum #physics #quantumcomputing #simulation #signal #processing #electrical #engineering #probability

Last updated 1 year ago

Adi · @Aditya
104 followers · 1871 posts · Server cryptodon.lol

's recent surge in on-chain transactions and strong social presence demonstrate its resilience. Despite a 16% dip in the past month, remains a top-7 with a $9B market cap. Aiming for a comeback from its 91% ATH drop.


#cardano #ada #crypto

Last updated 1 year ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
693 followers · 39400 posts · Server schleuss.online

Altcoin of the Week, Cardano (ADA) Showing Rising Onchain Transaction Volume - Bitcoin and the broader crypto market came under strong selling pressure soon after the U... - coingape.com/altcoin-of-the-we #24/7cryptocurrencynews

#ada #altcoinnews #adapriceanalysis #cardanopriceanalysis

Last updated 1 year ago

· @libridaleggere
108 followers · 125796 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Макс 🇺🇦 · @dxz8
14 followers · 41 posts · Server social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua
· @libridaleggere
108 followers · 125790 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
· @libridaleggere
108 followers · 125781 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
MAU · @Mau_or_
328 followers · 4716 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im


In una desolata zona dell'Ossezia del nord, una giovane ragazza lotta contro un padre padrone, e non solo, per la propria libertà e il proprio futuro.

📝Voto: 6,5
"Razzhimaya kulaki" di Kira Kovalenko, 97minuti, 2021. VM14

#ada #UnclenchingTheFists #cinema #film #1settembre #cinemastodon #cineitalia

Last updated 1 year ago

· @libridaleggere
108 followers · 125771 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

"DOJ and EEOC Warn: Employers’ Use of Artificial Intelligence Can Violate the Americans with Disabilities Act"

Tools used by employers that rely on algorithms or artificial intelligence, like computer testing of job applicants and software to "score" resumes, "may result in unlawful discrimination against people with disabilities in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)", according to the US DOJ.

The DOJ and the EEOC both released "technical assistance" documents, warning to employers and providing guidance about potential disability employment discrimination. The Americans with disabilities act (ADA), requires employers to provide "reasonable accommodation" to applicants and employees that suits their disability. The EEOC provided examples in their "assistance document" (linked below), one of which, seems to be a challenge I might face with one, or more of my disabilities.

"A job application requires a timed math test using a keyboard. Angela has severe arthritis and cannot type quickly. Typing quickly is not necessary for the job. Angela will fail the test if she takes it without a reasonable accommodation. The reasonable accommodation could be speaking the answers or having more time for the test."

In my case, having one fully functioning hand, using a keyboard with speed and accuracy is no longer an option, so AI would screen me out. I'm fortunate to have quality voice recognition software to dictate and control computer function. Speaking the answers would be a necessary accommodation to my limb difference disability but, other disabilities and factors can come into play.

For example, a person with brain injury or autism may require a different accommodations, as would someone who is hearing or visually impaired. The ADA document "Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Disability Discrimination in Hiring", gives another example:
"… if a county government uses facial and voice analysis technologies to evaluate applicants’ skills and abilities, people with disabilities like autism or speech impairments may be screened out, even if they are qualified for the job."

Considering ableism, ignorant attitudes and discrimination from humans, people with disabilities face enough barriers. The last thing we need is to be further excluded by artificial intelligence and machines. The releases below from the DOJ, EEOC and ADA also offer guidance about recognition, rights and what to do if AI discriminates against you.

"DOJ and EEOC Warn against Disability Discrimination"
DOJ website: justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-dep

"Tips for Workers: The ADA and the use of software, algorithms and artificial intelligence"

Website: eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/america
PDF: eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2

ADA – "Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, and Disability Discrimination in Hiring"
PDF: ada.gov/assets/_pdfs/ai-guidan

@actuallyautistic @disabilityjustice @disability

#ai #ada #disability #employment #EEOC #equality #InvisibleDisabilityRights

Last updated 1 year ago

· @libridaleggere
108 followers · 125765 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
Hunter Whale · @HunterWhale
3 followers · 27 posts · Server persiansmastodon.com

کاردانو در نمای چهار ساعتی همچنان زیر ترند نزولی میانمدتی است و تقریبا چون الیافی ارزها بیشتر صعود پیروزش را تسویه و عقب نشینی کرده است ...
حمایت ها و مقاومت ها در چارت

#ada #تحلیل_1521

Last updated 1 year ago