Whole #sdr family is here, and I think I have room for one more before end of year... #antsdr #nooelec #nesdr #rtlsdrblog #airspy #sdrplay #leobodnar #gpsdo #hackrf #greatscottgadgets #adalm-pluto
#adalm #greatscottgadgets #hackrf #gpsdo #leobodnar #sdrplay #airspy #rtlsdrblog #nesdr #nooelec #AntSDR #sdr
Wahoo! New SDR day! Rev C #ADALM-PLUTO and two filters (of many many more to be bought in the future).
Today, i receive my new toy !
The Adalm-Pluto !!
He going to be a part of my DATV Project for 70cm to 13cm QO-100, now it’s time to research the Raspberry Pi 4 but but i’ve got no hope to find one 😔
#Adalm #Pluto #AdalmPluto #SDR #TRX #DATV #Radio #Hamradio #AmateurRadio #Radioamateur
#radioamateur #amateurradio #hamradio #radio #datv #trx #sdr #AdalmPluto #pluto #adalm