a7ndrew · @a7ndrew
12 followers · 83 posts · Server aus.social

My only complaint about their housing policy is the increase to rent assistance. I'd support it if there was a way to stop it instantly becoming landlord assistance.


Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Pull Variance · @Heterokromia
139 followers · 687 posts · Server aus.social

Rightio you've got rid of a completely terrible federal government.

Next time, step up and give more power to The Greens. has so much sensible to say about , and and .

#australia #adambandt #climatechange #politicalcorruption #tax #housing

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Pull Variance · @Heterokromia
139 followers · 686 posts · Server aus.social

Less talk about missiles, more about fixing the housing crisis.

telling Labor how to Labor.

#adambandt #npc

Last updated 2 years ago

MacPherson · @MacPherson
2 followers · 18 posts · Server aus.social

is highly critical of the government as it appears set to reject a call from its very own expert advisory panel to raise the rate. He says if the budget can afford to keep stage-three tax cuts, it can afford to lift Australians out of poverty:

“Everyday people are not causing inflation. They are the victims of inflation. Now, Labor has found over a quarter of a trillion dollars for tax cuts for billionaires and politicians that can’t lift people out of poverty.

Labor’s not making hard choices in this budget, they’re making everyone else make hard choices, like whether to pay for the rent or whether to put food on the table.”

#adambandt #jobseeker #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
248 followers · 2331 posts · Server aus.social

Interesting article from Rolling Stone
About the cost of solar compared with gas-fired or coal- fired energy... (USA but you get the general idea)
So it begs the question: why am i getting paid 20c per MwH for solar Im putting into the grid, when larger businesses get so much more?

Sure I'm just one mini powerhouse but my energy is just as clean and green.

#greenenergy #adambandt #albanesegovernment #renewableenergy #renewables #auspolitics #auspol #auspol23

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
248 followers · 2330 posts · Server aus.social

Interesting article from Rolling Stone
About the cost of solar compared with gas-fired or coal- fired energy... (USA but you get the general idea)
So it begs the question: why am i getting paid 20c per MwH for solar In putting into the grid when a larger business gets so much more?

Sure I'm just one mini powerhouse but my energy is just as clean and green.

#greenenergy #adambandt #albanesegovernment #renewableenergy #renewables #auspolitics #auspol #auspol23

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
248 followers · 2330 posts · Server aus.social

Interesting article from Rolling Stone
About the cost of solar compared with gas-fired or coal- fired energy... (USA but you get the general idea)
So it begs the question: why am i getting paid 20c per MwH for solar In putting into the grid when a larger business gets so much more?

Sure I'm just one mini powerhouse but my energy is just as clean and green.

#greenenergy #adambandt #albanesegovernment #renewableenergy #renewables

Last updated 2 years ago

Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
70 followers · 1777 posts · Server tictoc.social
Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
56 followers · 1416 posts · Server tictoc.social
Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
53 followers · 1281 posts · Server tictoc.social
Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
49 followers · 1072 posts · Server tictoc.social
Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
25 followers · 638 posts · Server tictoc.social

Honestly is being so Murdoch this morning with looking for a gotcha moment. Maybe she's trying to get on to 2GB Sydney.

#sabralane #adambandt

Last updated 2 years ago

Aussie News :firstnations: · @aussienews
22 followers · 506 posts · Server tictoc.social

also said there were two conditions he wanted to raise:
The Greens want to see a freeze on power bills [for] two years. The Greens have made it clear to the government that we want to see more compensation owing to households, we want to see a freeze on power bills for the next two years. And as the government developed its assistance measures, over the next couple of months in the lead-up to February, the Greens continue to press for a two-year freeze on power bills.


Last updated 2 years ago

The Price Caps on & will pass Federal Parliament tomorrow with the support of the & !! 💚 🥂

Detailed reporting courtesy of the @guardian &

Quoting “Energy corporations for too long have been punishing people in this country and power bills are going through the roof.


#thermalcoal #methanegas #greens #davidpocock #emilywind #adambandt

Last updated 2 years ago

News in Australia · @newsaus
55 followers · 1260 posts · Server mastodon.au
News in Australia · @newsaus
55 followers · 1257 posts · Server mastodon.au


said the energy price issue was “urgent” but opposed more money flowing to producers.

“We’ll spend the next few days working through and trying to understand the government’s proposal, because at the moment a lot of it is media reports and speculation,” he said.

“We’ll do that in good faith, but we don’t think there’s a case for using public money to subsidise and .”

#adambandt #thermalcoal #gas

Last updated 2 years ago

According to @guardian The said yesterday they would “oppose any compensation to coal corporations, and coal and gas corporations should instead fund higher levels of price bill relief through a windfall tax”.
The leader of the Greens, , said his party also wanted “more money to go to households, renters and businesses, including to get off gas, switch to electric appliances and install batteries”.
I have quite a lot of sympathy for this position! 🥂

#danielhurst #greens #adambandt

Last updated 2 years ago