A new season of #KindredSpirits dropped on #DiscoveryPlus
Can't wait to see what #ChipCoffey #AmyBruni and #AdamBerry get into this season.
If it's anything like #DestinationFear was this past season, it's gonna be a hell of a fun ride.
#kindredspirits #DiscoveryPlus #chipcoffey #amybruni #adamberry #destinationfear #paranormal #ghosts
"The all new season of #KindredSpirits beginning on Friday, January 20th at 9/8c on
@travelchannel and streaming same day on @discoveryplus
is BONKERS!!! Can’t wait for y’all to see it!" --#AdamBerry
#TravelChannel #Amybruni #
ChipCoffey #Ghosts #Paranormal
#kindredspirits #adamberry #travelchannel #amybruni #ghosts #paranormal