Pink News: BAFTA TV Awards 2023: This Is Going To Hurt leads nominations in huge win for queer TV #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #ThisIsGoingToHurt #ClaudiaWInkleman #TheWhiteLotus #Heartstopper #TheTraitors #benwhishaw #DragRaceUK #RyanMurphy #Celebrity #JoeLycett #Culture #AdamKay #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #thisisgoingtohurt #claudiaWinkleman #thewhitelotus #heartstopper #thetraitors #benwhishaw #dragraceuk #ryanmurphy #celebrity #joelycett #Culture #adamkay #TV
Just finished reading the follow up to “this is going to hurt”. (Undoctored). I was not prepared for where it went. Big thanks to #AdamKay for sharing his demons so that others know they don’t need to fight theirs on their own.
empfehlenswertes, aktuelles Serienfutter #ThisIsgoingTohurt mit #BenWishaw als #AdamKay #TVSerie #Serienkritik
#thisisgoingtohurt #benwishaw #adamkay #tvserie #Serienkritik
I had two long train journeys today, so read #Undoctored by #AdamKay in a single day. Christ. It hit me for six - particularly one hard-hitting revelation which unfortunately resonated due to my own personal experience - but it was brilliant. I just had to stare into space for a bit to process it.
He won't see this but I am grateful for his bravery and it's made me think about how I'm going to deal with my own trauma. Fuck. I haven't had this reaction to what is essentially comedy since Nanette.