"...The challenge for us American Christians today, it appears to me, is by no means just individual morality or individual spirituality, but all the more so contending together with the Demonic..."
New post on my Walking Thoughts blog: https://hpaulsantmire.net/breaking-down-our-moral-breakdown/
#AdamMastroianni #Nature #ChristyDeSmith #demonic #DietrichBonhoeffer #ImmanuelKant #ReinholdNiebuhr #TheHarvardGazette #spirituality #AmericanChristianity
#adammastroianni #nature #christydesmith #demonic #dietrichbonhoeffer #ImmanuelKant #reinholdniebuhr #theharvardgazette #spirituality #americanchristianity
Really nice follow up re peer review by #AdamMastroianni taking into account some of the (interesting not terrible) critical comments received.
Also received some terrible comments:
Doesn’t look like #AdamMastroianni is on this site, but I really enjoyed reading his last two posts on peer review. I am practitioner and haven’t gone through peer review in seven years, but I wonder what other people in #economics think: https://experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/the-dance-of-the-naked-emperors?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=656797&post_id=93101029&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Really like this piece by #AdamMastroianni on #peerreview. It includes a link to a great paper on #PsyArXiv. https://experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/the-rise-and-fall-of-peer-review
#adammastroianni #PeerReview #psyarxiv