Ein wenig Gedanken zu AD&D MHB II und WIP MHB F II. :D
#osr #monster #pnpde #rollenspiel #swordsandwizardry #ADandD #ALRIK
#osr #Monster #pnpde #rollenspiel #swordsandwizardry #adandd #ALRIK
@LeviKornelsen Primarily #worldbuilding for me, have done for #gurps #traveller but my co-authors did the heavy rules crunch for that.
When doing something for myself it's either #systemless settings or #cepheusengine. #ADandD from back in the day and never felt much need to move up any edition numbers there due to sunk costs....
#worldbuilding #gurps #traveller #systemless #cepheusengine #adandd
#LFG #TTRPG I miss playing terribly, so if there are any groups looking for players on a weekday, around 1600-2000 UTC, like once a month or every other week... Online or in the Cologne/Bonn area... I generally *prefer* #Mature #Realistic #HardSciFi
#EclipsePhase #Cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRed #TalesFromTheLoop #ThingsFromTheFlood #Alien #Kult #Ratten #Degenesis #Numenera #Vampire #Shadowrun #Firefly #Pathfinder #DandD #ADandD #Gor #DSA #TheDarkEye #Fudge #GURPS
#lfg #ttrpg #mature #realistic #hardscifi #english #german #eclipsephase #cyberpunk2020 #cyberpunkred #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #alien #kult #Ratten #degenesis #numenera #vampire #shadowrun #firefly #pathfinder #dandd #adandd #gor #dsa #thedarkeye #fudge #gurps